The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, is a different book in many ways. The story is narrated by Death and is set in Nazi Germany, but as if Nazi Germany is just something going on in the background. If you are a nine-year-old girl, you have nothing to compare it to and Nazi Germany is quite normal.
"Buy it, borrow it or steal it"
Hiding a Jew in the basement is dangerous, but not insanely strange. Many hate Jews and follow the Fuhrer through the Hitler Youth, others focus on stealing books. It is not so bad as SvD writes "Buy it, borrow it or steal it, but above all: read it".
LeiaMia says:
One of my absolute favourite books too! 🙂
28 February 2011 - 21:38
Leena says:
I'll keep this in mind.............. Unfortunately, I haven't fully regained my concentration for reading books yet. Ohh how I miss being able to crawl into a book, but I hope it eases up soon.
28 February 2011 - 21:52
Catherine in Asia says:
Thanks for the book tip!
01 March 2011 - 11:24
Rondine says:
Have read it & yes, it was good.
Fascinated by her obsession with books.
I can recognise myself in it.
I almost get antsy if I don't have anything to read.
02 March 2011 - 19:12