We have found Härjarö camping, outside Enköping. It's cool by the water, and very quiet. We are tired after a week with a lot of work and little sleep, so it is really nice to relax and just do nothing.
Good food and reading
We cooked a really good dinner of seafood soup with saffron. Then we sat in the warmth of the motorhome with a book each.

Rainy night and cold morning
All night we heard the rain pattering against the skylights, and this morning we were greeted by ... snow! You can't believe it's true. It looks like the Easter lunch will be indoors this year. We are at Härjarö camping and even though it was very, very quiet here yesterday, we had a nice evening. But now it doesn't really feel like camping weather anymore ...

Elisabeth says:
Sounds good. We're hoping to get away tomorrow, but the weather could put a spanner in the works. Have a happy Easter!
05 April 2012 - 18:39
Ulla Widing says:
It's nice to just be.......... we also sit in the car and read. It is also rainy and windy here. It seems to be like that all over Europe......Glad Easter!
05 April 2012 - 19:33
Anki says:
Quiet and calm and cosy! Lovely - and a good book too... sounds wonderful!
Happy Easter to you!
06 April 2012 - 8:45
admin says:
Elisabeth, the weather is not the best... but we defy, stubbornly... Hope you have a good weekend!
Ulla Widing, yes sometimes it can also be nice, even if we haven't said no to nicer weather... wishing you a nice Easter weekend!
Anki, happy Easter!
06 April 2012 - 17:30
Ama de casa says:
I get a bit of a camping craving from reading here with you 🙂 .
12 April 2012 - 19:34