That's probably the end of the motorhome season for this year. And we think back to all the fun we have had with the motorhome during the year!
Table of contents
The first trip of the year went to Ängsö camping, where we enjoyed the first outdoor meal of the year, and tried the our new lighting.

We went to Härjarö camping over Easter - in snow! On to Västerås Mälarcamping where we had a nice Easter Eve evening with Anna and Anders, and to the Bredsands camping where we met Yvonne and Svenne.

We rolled to Sandvik campsite outside Linköping, where we had a super nice evening with our motorhome friends Ann and Michael. Then it was city camping in Linköping and parties in the city.

We city-camped in Östermalm, where there was a pre-party in the motorhome before Summerburst. Then there was a midsummer celebration on the Rullsands camping, where we took the opportunity to eat Easter lunch at the nude pool.

We travelled with Robin and Alexandra to Poland. We visited Camping Mazoperia on the Hel peninsula, visited Sopot with Peter's brother and his family, and finished in Gdansk.

In August we hung out at the beautiful Rullsands camping, where we feasted on delicious seafood.

This month there was not much caravanning at all ... but the caravan was at least allowed to join a dinner party and serve as an overnight place.
We made an autumn trip to Malmköping campsite, where we got stuck in the mud and needed help to get out.

The camper van was allowed to join the Halloween party.

Ditte says:
Great review! And in a few months it will be time again.....
Thank you for letting me follow along via your blog and nice pictures.
We've only tried motorhomes in New Zealand, but we realise we still have some work to do...
We are new boat owners, but I really want to try a motorhome for a week. To start with ....
06 November 2012 - 22:12
admin says:
Ditte, I didn't realise you had been to New Zealand! Actually, that's where we tried the campervan thing for the first time. And then we got stuck... But you should try it again!
06 November 2012 - 22:23
Lena says:
You had a great time, we see, we're doing a new spring soon!
07 November 2012 - 12:01
Anki says:
Thanks for the tip... I will also try to put together a summary like this 🙂 .
07 November 2012 - 13:45
Annika says:
FUN to read the review.
Freedom will now rest for a while until it is time for the next season.
I admit that I get a little hungry when I read about your life in the motorhome. I usually think of you when I see big motorhomes on the roads here...
07 November 2012 - 13:54
admin says:
Lena, that doesn't sound bad!
Anki, glad we inspired you! It's kind of fun to make a summary, because then a lot of memories come up!
Annika, yes, you should get excited, because it's cosy with a motorhome!
07 November 2012 - 19:58
Inga Magnusson says:
Great to read about your camping season! You really use the campervan for a large part of the year even if it has to sit idle over the winter!
08 November 2012 - 11:12
Ama de casa says:
We have not camped once this year. Not ONE!!! Do not remember when it happened last... But I have come to the conclusion that I like hotels quite well too 🙂 🙂
09 November 2012 - 12:20
Agneta says:
you seem to have had a good season with the motorhome, we drive a few more weeks but then it must be good for this year. We started the year hard with living in the motorhome pretty much all the time for 2 months then came a break before we felt like it again 🙂 🙂 .
09 November 2012 - 21:41
admin says:
Ama de casa, hotels are quite comfortable... at least compared to tents.
Agneta, sometimes it is perhaps good to get a little longing too... but then it is heavenly cosy in the motorhome!
10 November 2012 - 9:37
Anders and Anna says:
Hello, fun to read and follow you. Hope to see you again as nice as possible latest ....
10 November 2012 - 10:58
admin says:
Anders and Anna, how nice that you look in here! It was very nice last time and it would be nice to see you again!
10 November 2012 - 11:44