I've blogged about this before, but here are some updates. We read a lot when we travel, and I like it best when I can read books from the part of the world I'm travelling in. I actually wish bookshops were sorted like that, by location in the world.
Table of contents
Books from different parts of the world
If anyone thinks the same as me, here are my favourite books, divided according to where in the world they are set. And you don't have to physically travel either, you can stay at home on the couch and travel.
Want to travel around Europe? Europe has a lot of interesting history, and it's often at its best in fictional form. Many of the books focus on the Second World War or the communist era, but there are also stories that take you back to a time when Europe was simply poorer or different in other ways.
- Estonia - Stalin's cows, Purging
- France - Sarah's key
- Italy – Steel
- Croatia - Blackout
- Poland - Nina's journey, The man without destiny, A short stop on the way from Aushwitz
- Romania - Bury me standing up
- Russia - House on the river Dvina, City of thieves, White on black, I want to live, Goodbye my Kursk, The Angel of Grozny, Girl in Siberia
- United Kingdom – The midwife in the East End, Island, Combatants
- Germany - The book thief
Africa is a mythical, interesting and exciting continent. You may not always know much about the life and challenges of African countries, but through fictional stories you can get a little closer.
- Egypt - House of Yacoubian
- Ethiopia – 438 days
- Kenya - The White Masai
- Libya - No one in the world
- Morocco - Prisoner in the desert
- Nigeria – Little Bee
- Somalia - A flower in the African desert
- Sudan - Slav
Want to travel to Asia in the world of books? I have read many fiction books set in China and also in Iran.
- Bangladesh – Before the river takes us
- Brunei – harem
- Iran - My Iran, My mum is a Persian princess, My life as a traitor
- Israel - Morning in Jenin
- China– Empress Orchid, Mao's last dancer, Wild swans, Kingdom of the daughters, Red prosecutor, Babes in Beijing
- North Korea – Escape from camp 14, Nothing to envy
- Pakistan - K2 on life and death
- Saudi Arabia - Travelling in Sharialand
North and South America
There are of course lots of books set in the USA, and here are some that I have read and like. Also, some books set in South America.
- Boliva - El Choco
- Colombia - Even silence has an end
- Cuba – Dream heart
- USA – Niceville, The dream, Almost home, Life-changing moments, The road

ABB wife says:
Prisoner of the Desert is one of the best books I have read! I am currently reading Mo Yan's The Red Field which is quite heavy so far. Have otherwise read most of the books you suggest but not all. Will check them out because they seem interesting!
25 February 2014 - 8:31
Ditte says:
I also try to read some fiction, mixed with facts, on various trips. Recognised several I read on your list but got new tips as well. Thanks for that!
Totally agree with Synne that "Prisoner of the Desert" was very good. It stays with you...
25 February 2014 - 11:07
BP says:
Always ready!
25 February 2014 - 12:35
admin says:
ABB wife, I agree! It's one of my favourites too...
Ditte, I won't forget that one either!
Pia, very good books, both!
25 February 2014 - 19:31
Pia says:
I loved "Bury me standing" and "Morning in Jenin"!!!
25 February 2014 - 19:10
Hallin on the Resia blog says:
What a wonderful list. If you haven't read (which I'm guessing...), The Cathedral by the Sea and The Shadow of the Wind are great books. I went crazy when I got to see the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Mar after reading the book.
26 February 2014 - 16:03
admin says:
Hallin, oh thanks for the tips!
26 February 2014 - 16:40
Marina says:
Great tips! Wonderful! I also try to find literature that enhances the feeling and experience of the country you are visiting. Thereby you can also get some odd sightseeing tips.
18 August 2014 - 12:07