Usually you're not looking for the most expensive motorhome, but rather the most affordable. But if you have an endless supply of money and want to spend a lot on a motorhome, what is there to choose from? We have listed perhaps the five most expensive motorhomes in the world. Which of these high-end camping vehicles would you choose?
Table of contents
Place 5: Foretravel IH-45 Luxury MotorCoach (10 million)
Foretravel Motorcoach is known for making exclusive motorhomes with both style and comfort. The Foretravel IH-45 Luxuray Motorcoach is the motorhome for those who want four-wheel drive and animal print upholstery.

4th place: Volkner Performance II (12 million)
This German monster truck has a garage between the wheel axles, where you can store your regular car. Of course, there are also substantial slide-outs all along the long side so you can get more space once you've parked.

3rd place: Prevost H3-45 VIP (12.5 million)
The Prevost H3-45 VIP is a very spacious motorhome with large slide-outs and an exclusive villa feeling in the interior. This motorhome also features modern and practical lighting and climate control.

2nd place: Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus (20 million)
Decorated with Italian leather, onyx and Swarowski crystals, this motorhome also has room for your sports car. So once you've parked your big comfy home, you can just slip away to run errands in something a little more convenient!

Place 1: EleMMent Palazzo (23 million)
At number 1 on the list of the world's most expensive motorhomes is the Elemment Palazzo. This Marchi Mobile motorhome has a 40-inch TV, a fireplace and a roof terrace, among other things. Tell me what you'll miss!

Maggan and Ingemar says:
Even if I had unlimited money, I don't want such a big car. Then we can't go on the roads we want but have to drive motorways. On campsites we do not get in and to fricamp with such a large car..... well I can not imagine. The size we have now is perfectly ok.
13 November 2014 - 10:16
Deciree says:
Yes they were delicious :) But liiiite too big for us 🙂 haha
13 November 2014 - 10:03
Role o Carina says:
A bit too big actually for these small roads !!!
Then you should probably live in the USA 🙂
Otherwise we are keen on a Niesmann+Bischoff....
13 November 2014 - 11:05
Alexandra says:
Being able to take your car with you in your campervan must be the ultimate!
13 November 2014 - 11:28
Ama de casa says:
Wow, what cars... I can't choose though, because there were no tents in the list.
13 November 2014 - 11:40
Lennart says:
Sure they are luxurious but I'm not sure about the size!
13 November 2014 - 12:04
Mr Steve says:
Nothing for me.
13 November 2014 - 12:09
Anki says:
Gosh... we love exploring the minor road network, so no thanks!
13 November 2014 - 12:12
Ditte says:
Well, I won't. A bit too big to suit me. And I don't think the roads have really adapted to the size of these motorhomes. Imagine yourself in Switzerland or Norway and on other alpine roads. And further to pocket parking....
13 November 2014 - 13:40
admin says:
Deciree, yes we can agree... they are too big for us too!
Maggan and Ingemar, we think the same way. We usually think that we don't want more than we have. Maybe it can be a little different if you drive in the USA.
Rolle and Carina, we think the same way. In Europe it is difficult to get around with those big things. Niesmann+Bischoff are nice, but also quite large, right?
Alexandra, it's almost necessary to have a slightly smaller car when driving around with something that big...
Ama de casa, don't know if there are so many tents in that price range...???
Lennart, we agree. Too big to drive around with, at least in Europe.
Steve, we're not going to trade up either, haha. But it's kind of fun to look at them
Anki, that's the crux of the matter... you have to drive on major roads, perhaps preferably in the USA...
Ditte, many times it's been tricky to park in cities even with our much smaller motorhome...
13 November 2014 - 16:07
Lars Permeln says:
None of the models appeal to me, they are far too big and probably only cause offence when entering a small town or a car park.
13 November 2014 - 17:17
Yvonné says:
No nothing for us with these sizes.
(Wrote about some places in the France post)
13 November 2014 - 17:24
BP says:
Featherlight, but then I want the car as a bonus;-)
13 November 2014 - 18:01
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
It's too big, but I think it's luxurious. If you want to look around, our first boat is sometimes 7.63 metres long. We want to be able to go and see different places on our trips. But having the small car on a trailer is probably the optimum. you see a lot of such things in the south.
13 November 2014 - 19:20
Across the board says:
No, no, I wouldn't want such a thing. It limits the desire to discover and the ability to get around. Yes, in fact, you have the "little car" that you can take out to discover the neighbourhood. Now we have "grown" to 7.80 in length and 3m in height and it absolutely must not be anything bigger at all!
13 November 2014 - 21:34
Inga M says:
I'll take the one with the fireplace and roof terrace
13 November 2014 - 22:41
admin says:
Lars Permeln, yes, if they are too big, that might be the case... they are probably better suited to the USA, I think!
Yvonne, thanks I will read what you wrote about France!
BP, hehe, yes it would be good if the car is included!
Nils-Åke, we don't want it to be bigger than we have, because we want it to be easy to park. But of course it depends on what needs you have and what you want to do.
Across the board, we think the same way, we don't want too big a car either.
No M, just those details are not stupid!
13 November 2014 - 22:58
Anonymous says:
I would like to have them but I am a child
02 May 2019 - 15:26