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The Silver Coast in France - from Gironde to Bayonne

We are on the Silver Coast in France. The entire west coast of France from the Gironde estuary to Bayonne is called La Côte d'Argent - the Silver Coast. This is one long sandy beach with shifting dunes and tree plantings to slow down the spread of the sand. We've spent the night in a huge pitch among the trees in Biscarosse-Plage.


Silver Coast in France

It's not hard to understand why this coast is called the Silver Coast, because it's almost as if it shimmers with silver. The sand is fine-grained and soft and we can imagine that there are a lot of people here in the summer. Now it is December and cold, so we are here all alone.

In a way, it is perhaps even more beautiful now that the beaches are deserted. At the same time, it's hard to stay long because everything is closed. There isn't even a kiosk that is open.

We are in a large car park in the forest in Biscarosse-Plage. The place is quite ok and you pay via a barrier when you drive out. Right now, however, it feels more like free camping in the forest ...

Going down to the beach through the forest
Västkusten Frankrike
Great sand!

Beautiful on the Silver Coast in France

This must be a paradise in the summer and it's not super well known as a Nordic destination. We can recommend it if you don't want to be crowded with thousands of tourists.

Silverkusten France
Peter looks out to sea
Silverkusten i Frankrike
It's hard to stop taking photos!

New experiences every day

We have kept a fairly fast pace through France. Every day new experiences. Every night a new campsite. It's interesting and exciting, but it also gets a bit hectic and a constant search for diesel, LPG, electricity, food, water, emptying points and places to camp for the night.

We would like to spend a few nights at a campsite for some peace and quiet. We are aiming for the north of Spain, and will try to find a campsite open in winter there.

Silverkusten Frankrike
Soon we'll say goodbye to the Silver Coast and France, for now.

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