Our favourite fish to grill is called dourada here in Portugal. In Sweden, it is usually sold as seabream or goldsparid. It has a firm white and very tasty flesh! We usually grill it, stuffed with thyme and lemon or lime, and serve it with rice and a good cold sauce.
Grilling dourada
In the shops in Portugal they usually make an incision in the belly and take out the guts - otherwise you have to do it yourself. We then make several cuts in the skin on both sides and rub the fish with olive oil, saffron and salt. Fill the belly with fresh thyme and slices of lemon or lime. Then simply grill, on both sides, until the fish is done (about 7-10 minutes on each side).
A good cold sauce
We usually mix a jar of crème fraiche (or Turkish/Greek yoghurt) with a little olive oil, a little honey, plenty of chopped thyme, the juice of a lime or half a lemon, some grated lime or lemon zest and a little salt. This sauce is delicious! We also serve it with rice and some vegetables, such as boiled broccoli.

Mr Steve says:
Yummy, now I'm craving fish. However, I will have to be patient one day when I know that D will offer fish for Sunday dinner.
31 January 2015 - 13:20
Role o Carina says:
They say that fish is healthy too 🙂
We like salmon and cod the most!!!
Have fun and enjoy.....:-)
31 January 2015 - 14:32
Bosse and Gerd says:
We absolutely agree - we often buy Dourada at Carrefour or Mercadona here in Benidorm and do exactly the same as you do to get the best out of the Dourada!
Another fish that we highly recommend is Merluza (hake) and we fry it in oil and butter and season it with salt and lemon pepper - it's delicious!
Sold in shops as fillets or sliced as chops.
31 January 2015 - 14:54
Preciosa says:
Hello! Hola/Olá
The first time I write with you I think 🙂 Dorada is the name of the firm here in Spain. Gold bream or as you say Goldsparid. Very good!!! More bones than my favourite fish Lubina...
Somewhat similar in flavour...but Lubina fillets have almost no bones.
Not so cheap with firre in Portugal? I have a friend at home in Sthlm who is from there so we exchange experiences 🙂 .
The language is difficult to decipher when they speak... In writing it is better.
Chao/Tchau! P ♥
31 January 2015 - 14:38
admin says:
Steve, there will certainly be good fish on Sunday! I know that you usually fix nice fish dinners sometimes!
Rolle and Carina, fish is good, and delicious too! Salmon and cod are good, but we think there are many other fish that are also good!
Preciosa, how nice that you comment here with us! Thanks for the tip about Lubina, will see if we see the fish later. Douradan is quite expensive. At the market hall we paid 12 euros / kilo. Recently we found it for just under 8 euro/kilo. Some other fish have cheaper prices per kilo, 5-7 euros per kilo. Compared to Sweden and France, it's cheap! What are the prices in Spain?
Bosse and Gerd, thanks for the tip about Merluza! We will keep our eyes open for it!
31 January 2015 - 17:45
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Oh how good you are with fish. I don't feel at home there even though I like fish. We've tried it a few times, but we've ended up with fish with lots of bones....which has put us off. Maybe it's time to try again. 🙂
We haven't grilled either because we only have a charcoal grill with us....on the wish list is a gas grill.
Saving your recipe for future grilling 🙂
31 January 2015 - 17:48
BP says:
Yep. It's also our favourite fish - even here at home. We cook it just like you, but we "grill" it in garlic olive oil. Canoooon good. Eaten it many times even in Spain where it is called Dorada - goldfish.
31 January 2015 - 18:16
BP says:
PS to previous post. Try "pitting" the seabream's "cheek". It is surprisingly large and soooooooo good. DS.
31 January 2015 - 18:17
admin says:
Maggan and Ingemar, the dourada has legs (of course) but they are large and in a neat row. Easy to eat first from one side and then from the other. Choose large specimens so there is more meat! We also only have a charcoal grill and love it. Better flavour with charcoal grill!
BP, that sounds good too! When we are at home, we usually put it on the grill in the oven, with foil underneath. Also works well. Interesting about the cheek, I've never tried it!
31 January 2015 - 18:59
Casa Annika says:
We eat dorada quite often here in Spain. Easy and tasty fish to prepare and eat, and decent price if you buy it farmed. Here is my favourite recipe: http://casaannika.blogspot.com.es/2012/01/favoritfisken.html
...and this is just as good: http://casaannika.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/ugnsbakad-fisk-med-vitlok.html
01 February 2015 - 4:39
admin says:
Casa Annika, both recipes look super tasty! Thanks for the tips!
01 February 2015 - 11:31
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Can only agree absolutely
01 February 2015 - 11:49