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Five questions to four motorhome clubs

There are lots of different camping and motorhome clubs, especially if you count the motorhome brands' own clubs. But, even if we ignore them, there are quite a few different associations to choose from. What do they offer? Is there any difference? Peter took the opportunity to ask them five quick questions during the fair.


Here are four short interviews with Caravan Club of Sweden, Motorhome Club of Sweden, Motorhome Club and Motorhome mates. Please note that it was a bit stressful and messy during the fair and that we might have missed something. Check out the websites of the different clubs for more information!

Caravan Club of Sweden

Caravan Club was founded in 1958 and is a non-profit organisation for everyone who enjoys camping. You can find more information at

1. Who is your target audience?

People with recreational vehicles

2. What do you offer your members?

A good camping life, own campsites, discounts and the possibility to order ACSI cards, international camping cards and cheaper insurance.

3. How many members do you have?

Between 27 000 and 30 000

4. How much does it cost to be a member?

480 kr/year

5. What are you doing?

Including a meeting for motorhome drivers in Husbilslandet in Kristinehamn in October.

Gregor Lindholm Caravan Club
Gregor Lindholm, Caravan Club

Motorhome club of Sweden

Motorhome Club of Sweden was formed in 1981 by some motorhome enthusiasts. You can find more information at

1. Who is your target audience?

Motorhome owners

2. What do you offer your members?

The Bulletinen magazine, a Nordic camping guide, list of pitches and various discounts.

3. How many members do you have?

About 1600

4. How much does it cost to be a member?

270 kr/year + a one-off fee of 100 kr

5. What are you doing?

Motorhome school

Motorhome club of Sweden
Motorhome club of Sweden

Motorhome Club

Motorhome Club is an association for all motorhome enthusiasts. You can find more information at

1. Who is your target audience?

People who are interested in motorhome life

2. What do you offer your members?

Forum on the website, list of motorhome sites in Europe, travel stories and discounts

3. How many members do you have?

About 14 000

4. How much does it cost to be a member?

100 kr/year + a one-off fee of 150 kr

5. What are you doing?

Annual meeting 2017, which last attracted 500 motorhomes

Leif Edström, Motorhome Club

Motorhome mates

Motorhome mates is not really an association, but you can register on the forum. You can find more information at

1. Who is your target audience?


2. What do you offer your members?

News portal, pitch lists, discounts, buy & sell, forum and calendar of activities.

3. How many members do you have?

10,000+ registered on the forum and 10,000+ in the Facebook group

4. How much does it cost to be a member?

It is free of charge

5. What are you doing?

We have things going on, but can't tell you yet...

Gomer Svahn (right) with colleague, Motorhome friends

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