Last Thursday we hung out at the travel (industry) fair Travel News Market, which was held in Friends Arena here in Solna. Or rather, it was mostly Peter who hung out there during the day. I work, but I showed up just in time for dinner and mingling ...
Sold out fair with 800 visitors
The Travel News Market is a major trade show that was sold out this year, with 122 exhibitors and 800 visitors. Exhibitors represent airlines, countries, destinations and hotel chains. The visitors are people from the tourism and hospitality industry in Sweden.
We had thought that we would make some new contacts, but time passed. so very fast. You know, like when you meet a lot of nice acquaintances all the time that you absolutely want to talk to. First, we met all our partners with whom we already have good collaborations - you know Croatia and the Czech Republic and Malta and so on. And then ... all the travel bloggers!
An unexpected hug
All of a sudden, a couple came out and threw themselves at us with a hug. Now, I have the world's worst facial memory, which is often quite embarrassing, but in my defence, we have never actually met Daniel and Annika (top picture) in real life before.
However, their blog is probably one of the very first travel blogs I started reading. When I started blogging in 2009, there weren't a lot of travel blogs like there are now, but the blog... Bring bling to everything already existed back then! And now Daniel and Annika have got a ... motorhome! Funny what? In any case, it was great fun to finally meet them!
More friends from the blogging world
After the delicious dinner (which Dubai offered), Daniel and Annika had to drive back home to Åhus (yes, you read that right!). Instead, we had another glass of wine and mingled around for a while and met many of our blog friends.
We also met Cecilia and Anna who previously worked at Travellink, but who now organise a lot of exciting and professional things themselves, such as "Travel Blog Events" for travel bloggers. Two great people that we are very happy to have got to know! (And if you think you recognise Cecilia, it may be partly because we hung out a lot together). together in Hungary last summer).

This weekend we have actually managed to attend two more (!) fairs and a cruise. It's kind of hard to keep up with everything in real time ... but it will come! How has your weekend been?
Top image in the post: Daniel, Helena, Annnika and Peter at the Travel News Market in Friends Arena.
Henny says:
It's great to have such a fair and fun to be the first commentator. I still have all of Saturday night and Sunday before my weekend is over.
What I know about the weekend is that there will be an outdoor swimming competition tomorrow as well. And that the heat wave with + 30 C continues here in Southern California.
13 November 2016 - 7:16
Mr Steve says:
Three fairs and a cruise, with one day left of the weekend. Well done! You are certainly not sitting on the sidelines. I am busy reading about everything you do.
Here at Getingstorp, weekends are synonymous with cosiness and good meals.
13 November 2016 - 8:26
Lennart says:
Nice to meet acquaintances!
13 November 2016 - 8:50
Goatfish says:
All happy people! 😀 And that thing with facial recognition, I nod in recognition, haha 😀.
Fun events!
I've had a few quiet days, ahead of next week, which is packed.
Happy Sunday 😀
13 November 2016 - 9:24
admin says:
Henny, haha good job managing to comment first! (It may be easiest when you are on the other side of the "puddle" and have a slightly different circadian rhythm;)) What incredible heat you have! Almost a little TOO hot 😉
Steve, haha yes it was a bit hectic this weekend ... However, the fairs were on Thursday (one of them) and Friday (two of them) and then there was a cruise on Saturday ... It will have to be a quieter Sunday!
Lennart, it is always fun with both new and old acquaintances.
Geddfish, yes it was a happy atmosphere at the fair. Nice to hear that there are more people who have problems with recognising faces. It can really be hard sometimes!
13 November 2016 - 9:51
Matts Torebring says:
Quote: "I have the world's worst memory for faces, which is often quite embarrassing."
Take comfort Helena, it's not you who has it, it's me. I usually say that I have no photographic memory for faces. It's not possible to go out and walk with you, says my Birgitta, you don't recognise anyone. (It's not that bad)
Birgitta's father was a talented and clever man. When I met him in the mid-60s, he said, in his special way. "Anyone I have a problem with, I never forget and the others I don't care about". This has probably characterised my life too. In any case, I blame Birgitta's father for the fact that I don't recognise anyone.
But of course it is embarrassing. The Christmas party at work, for example. Everyone comes and goes in their work clothes, but at the end of the day, at least the extra-employed girls are so dressed up, so I have to listen to myself sometimes.
Sorry, the post was about the Travel Fair. I was just so happy that I'm not the only one who has trouble remembering certain faces. I could have written pages and pages about this. I understand that you had fun. What commitment you put in, absolutely incredible!
13 November 2016 - 10:15
Ditte says:
How nice and full speed I understand that it has been. A travel fair is always extra nice!
It's fun to meet new and old friends and acquaintances, and it can be a real challenge to remember all the faces you think you recognise.
13 November 2016 - 10:32
Veiken says:
Full speed ahead - wonderful! Very funny that it happens a lot in the travel turn. Unfortunately, they cancelled TUR in Gothenburg! 🙁
13 November 2016 - 10:40
Ama de casa says:
So fun to meet so many 🙂 I also have facial aphasia, which can be very embarrassing. Feels like I am haughty in some way when I may not recognise people who come up and say hello. The fact that I have difficulty with names also does not make things better directly ...
It was certainly a busy weekend for you. Here the weekend has just been, you could say. Nice that too sometimes 🙂
13 November 2016 - 10:43
admin says:
Matts, you really don't need to apologise. I'm just so happy when I hear that there are others who suffer from this problem of not recognising people. When people come up to me, I sort of push Peter forward and remain silent for a while, until I begin to understand what the conversation is about and can guess. It's NOT disinterest, I just have such a hard time recognising people by their appearance. I usually say that I need to meet and hang out with people three times before I start to recognise them... 😉.
Ditte, yes, sometimes you recognise someone without really being able to place them. Unfortunately, it also happens to me very often that I don't recognise people at all. However, I can remember their names well and know a lot of things about them ... it's the faces that I have difficulty with ...
Really, really sad that they cancelled TUR!
Ama de casa, is it called facial aphasia? Perfect, then I have a name for it 🙂 That's exactly how I feel, that you are kind of haughty or nonchalant and uninterested, but that's not the case! Nice to hear that there are more...!
13 November 2016 - 10:57
Elin is travelling says:
It sounds great fun with a travel fair! You are really into it and seem to do a lot to keep yourself updated on what is happening in the travel and blog world. Inspiring. I myself should go to fairs and the like, just that I always discover them when they have already been and it is too late 🙂.
13 November 2016 - 12:48
LinizTravel says:
So nice to meet you !!!! 🙂
Thanks for the link!!!
Maybe we'll see you again on 2 Dec?
13 November 2016 - 13:37
Villa Freja says:
So nice to meet friends from the blog.
13 November 2016 - 13:40
BP says:
With the busy calendar, I understand that you don't have time to blog about the photo and food fair. To be honest, I think your travel fair was much more rewarding than my two fairs. Oh you Helena got there just in time for the fun;-)
When it comes to facial memory, I'm just the opposite. I never forget a face I've seen, but guess if I remember the name of the person. Answer: no. Just as embarrassing, I can tell you...
13 November 2016 - 14:32
åsa in åsele says:
Sometimes I live in the wrong place,
I would love to visit both the photo & food fair,
but but 😉
Now I settle for reading what other bloggers are doing and that's fine too, a little easier and less stressful 🙂 .
I also belong to those who don't recognise people... or I do recognise them but I don't know who they are 😉.
Now I blame my illness, brain fog and a selective memory 😉.
I wonder how many hours a day has in your life 😉 as you have so much time to do so much!
13 November 2016 - 15:53
Husis blog says:
Impressed with how you manage to do everything, but maybe you have more than 24 hours in a day...?
13 November 2016 - 20:56
admin says:
Elin is travelling, so we try to keep up to date. Don't have a perfect tip on how to keep track. Swedish travel bloggers' FB group is good though.
Liniz Travel, unfortunately we cannot come then, as we are in Croatia that weekend ...
Villa Freja, it's always fun! 🙂
BP, we will blog about the other fairs as well, that will come tomorrow or the day after! And yes, I know that some people find it easier with faces and more difficult with names. It is certainly not easy either ...
Åsa in Åsele, sometimes we also wonder how we have time. There is not so much time left if you say so 😉.
Husisblog, we would love to have more than 24 hours a day 😉 .
13 November 2016 - 22:54
Helena says:
I also thought the time went so fast! Suddenly it was time to hurry to the centre and the bus home. Great fun to meet Peter. And maybe next time we'll see you, Helena, too!
14 November 2016 - 0:50
Marina says:
A lovely weekend in other words! So fun to meet all these people, plus it's great to get the links to a lot of new nice blogs - thanks!
14 November 2016 - 4:08
Johnny Friskilä says:
It was very nice to meet you, and the fair itself wasn't bad either. Really nice that so many destinations were there. Also fun, and a bit surprising I think, that so many airlines were there. There were otherwise not so many hotels, although there were some.
But I have to say it anyway, the fair was just the right size, just the right compactness, plus marks from me, even compared to other fairs.
14 November 2016 - 8:37
Annika Majak says:
Wonderful people! We have to meet again because the time really ran away too fast 🙂 ).
14 November 2016 - 17:39