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Healthy while travelling - don't forget this!

Of course, you want to be healthy while travelling. If you are unlucky enough to fall ill, you hope for good medical care without being ruined. We have not (yet) travelled abroad with our Freedom motorhome. However, we have travelled all over the world by plane, boat, bus and train, including Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. Today we're giving you some tips on things to consider before travelling.



Travelling in Europe does not always require additional vaccinations, but it is still a good idea to review the protection you have. Through the general vaccination programme in Sweden, most of us have basic protection, but if you are over 40, you may need to top up or start a new vaccination. Sometimes other vaccinations may also be recommended.

Current information on the country

It can be useful to know which diseases are common and what to look out for. For example, in some countries you may need to be careful in the heat, and in others you may need to watch out for infectious diseases. Good information on all countries can be found at UD's travel recommendations and on 1177 Advice for travelling abroad.


Home insurance is usually sufficient, but in some cases, additional travel insurance can be useful. Home insurance is usually valid for 45 days, so you may need extra insurance if you plan to be away for longer than that, for example. You may also need additional insurance if you are going to do extra adventurous activities, such as scuba diving, or if you are carrying stolen items that you care about.

European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card makes it easier to get reimbursed for health care in Europe. The card is free and easy to order. Information on the card is available at Social Security Agency.

More tips on staying healthy while travelling?

Have we missed any important information for staying healthy while travelling? Let us know!

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