
We searched all autumn for a book about travelling with a motorhome in Europe. As a first-time traveller, there are so many questions. How do you get gas down there? Which roads are good to drive? How to stay overnight without being attacked by "road pirates" .... well, you know. But there were no books! Now we've finally found one.


Searched everywhere

We looked through bookshops and map shops without finding what we were looking for. Of course, there are lots of good guidebooks about European countries and also some lists of campsites, but this was not really what we were looking for ...

The book "Motorhome in Europe"

Fortunately, we found the book "Motorhome in Europe" on the Internet. Anders Witt has written a personal book about travelling with a motorhome in Europe. Anders modestly states in the book that you will not find any new information in his book, but that it is rather a personal concoction where he shares experiences, adventures and inspiration.

But it's not that bad! Anders has been travelling by motorhome in Europe for seven years and has a lot of experience to share. And a less experienced campervan traveller will definitely find a lot of useful information, from travel planning and insurance to pitches and safety equipment. There's also inspiration for interesting places to visit and tips for good food... We've already made great use of the book, but we'll be taking it with us on our travels this summer!

husbil i europa

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