If it tastes good, it costs. This old adage often holds true. Once you have tasted something that is outstanding, you want more. I am talking about red wine and then about Amarone wines, they are really in a class of their own.


Amarone from Valpolicella

A wine that is so silky smooth to swallow and such a unique flavour that comes up on the palate afterwards, the wines are world class, it's just a tip of the hat to the Italians, who otherwise only have dough in their dishes, but produce such a fantastic wine. Our motorhome will have a destination to the Valpolicella Valleys in Italy this summer, where Amarone is made, so I will blog more then.

Amarone - ett fantastiskt rött vin
Amarone - a great red wine

Easy to pack too much

There will probably be some excess weight on the motorhome after the visits, so if I get stopped, my wife will have to fly home, because I won't let go of the wines :-). You can buy any Amarone wine and you can't be disappointed. Of course, you are looking for a cheaper alternative, because the wines start at around 170 kronor, but I can recommend a first-class wine, in Castei. It's a Valpolicella superiore for 109 SEK, it's as close as you can get to a fine wine, very affordable.

When I describe the wines, it's something you enjoy, and you don't do that all evening. If you have bought a nice wine with your partner or friends, and it runs out, you might as well drink a mediocre wine for the rest of the evening, because it is in the beginning that you feel the difference, the rest is just drunkenness. Kisses and hugs, tavelram.

iCastei från Valpolicella
iCastei from Valpolicella

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