Yes, it has happened again. A large passenger plane has crashed and lots of people have lost their lives. But is flying as safe as they say it is? What do the statistics and logic say?


Safe to fly - What do the statistics say?

If you look at the statistics, flying is actually quite safe. As most of us know, the risk of dying in traffic is much greater than dying in a plane crash. So why does it sometimes feel so uncomfortable to fly, while you don't hesitate a second before getting into a car? Are we not illogical then?

Not about logic

Sure, but not everything is about logic and statistics. The feeling of powerlessness in an aeroplane in the air is total. If you start to feel uncomfortable, you can't just say "wait, can you pull over and drop me off?". Once you realise that something is wrong with the plane, you just have to sit and wait for the terrible thing to happen, and that can cause anxiety in anyone.

Car is more dangerous

Statistically, the risk of dying in a car accident is probably higher, but at least you don't have to sit for 15 minutes waiting for the accident to happen. And if you feel tired or uncomfortable or if the weather is bad, you can always stop and take a break. Right now, it actually feels really nice to be able to get into a car on holiday, and avoid that flight ... If you want to, you can read more about the latest air crash here.

säkert att flyga?

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