Now we have prepared for our trip to Europe with a safe in the motorhome! It can be good to have a place where you can store passports, ferry tickets, extra credit cards and other things that you care about and don't want to lose. Now that we have a safe in the motorhome, we feel much safer.
Safe in the motorhome
We have bought a safe for the motorhome, and we bought the simplest one. According to Peter, the safe does not have to be special in any way, but it is important that it is bolted to the motorhome. "If someone can easily lift it out or unscrew it, there's no point in having a good safe.
Bolting down the safe
We have bolted the safe to the floor and destroyed the threads. We drilled four holes in the bottom of the safe, screwed it on and made sure the threads were destroyed. So it's not possible to unscrew the safe if you have that idea. If you want it out, you'll have to cut it out somehow, and that will involve a lot of work, so to speak.
The safe doesn't hold any large items, but it's nice to be able to lock up smaller valuables that you don't need all the time. We plan to use the safe to store things like passports, ferry tickets, insurance papers, possibly an extra bank card and similar things. Motorhome owners, do you also have a safe or how do you store your valuables in your motorhome?

Little me says:
Smart, better safe than sorry!
17 June 2009 - 15:09