The engine light on our Fiat is on and it started when we crossed the Alps in Austria. It was on the uphills that I pushed the car the most. We made our way to a Fiat as soon as we entered Italy. The car went into a safety mode with 20 per cent less power, so that nothing would break. Hmm and me wanting more ...
Troubleshooting at Fiat
We had the car in last week and Fiat has been troubleshooting, but can't find anything. So they switched off the light and say that nothing is wrong. We took the opportunity to change the oil and filter, because that light had also started to shine when we got back to Sweden. Then we picked up two fog lights, which I will install. We got a bill for 6200 SEK. It costs to be on top!
Now it was the case that when we went out at the weekend, we only got five miles, then the damn light started to shine again, not fun. You also take away a lot of working hours to drop off and pick up the motorhome. So now it's going in again tomorrow, and we'll see what the troubleshooting results are ...

Otherwise says:
I experienced the same thing and it turned out to be a gap in the electrical connection to the diffusers. I pulled them up and down a few times and then the warning did not light up anymore.
11 August 2009 - 20:21
admin says:
Thanks for the tip! Will check this!
11 August 2009 - 22:09