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Motorhome not for Stockholmers?

We've been wondering how many Swedes have motorhomes, but now we don't have to wonder anymore... On the information company InfoTorg, we found an article from July 2009, which states that there are 19,000 privately owned motorhomes in Sweden (if you want, you can compare this to 270,000 caravans!).


Motorhomes are more common on islands

On average, there are 2 motorhomes per 1000 inhabitants in Sweden. For some reason, motorhomes seem to be most popular on islands. On Orust there are 8 motorhomes/1000 inhabitants and on Gotland 4.5 motorhomes/1000 inhabitants.

Less common in Stockholm

Stockholmers, however, do not seem to be particularly interested in motorhomes... In the capital, there is only 1 motorhome/1000 inhabitants. The most disinterested are the residents of Solna, who have only 0.4 motorhomes per inhabitant. We also found statistics on motorhome ownership in all counties and municipalities on Infotog (update: these statistics no longer seem to exist), but can anyone explain why Stockholmers don't use motorhomes?

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