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There are 13 Santas in Iceland


Writer: Helena Bergström

Icelanders have 13 Santas! Wow, that's a lot of presents, you might think... But the Icelandic Santas are a little bit naughty. They steal sausages, lick the porridge bowls and scare the sheep ...


The Icelandic Santa Claus

The Icelandic elves come down from the mountains before Christmas. The first of them (Stekkjastaur) comes today, 12 December. Then one comes every day, until they all arrive on Christmas Eve.

After Christmas Eve, the elves disappear one by one and when they are all gone, 13 days after Christmas, a big bonfire is lit to celebrate their absence! The elves' parents are Gryla and Leppaludi, two evil goblins who eat disobedient children ...

The 13 Santas

Here is a list of the 13 Icelandic Santas, and the date they arrive:

  • 12 December: Stekkjastaur (Klumpfoten)
  • 13 December: Giljagaur (The Gorge Tomb)
  • 14 December: Stúfur (Stump)
  • 15 December: Þvörusleikir (Slevslickaren).
  • 16 December: Pottaskefill (Kastrullkraparen)
  • 17 December: Askasleikir (The Bowl Lick)
  • 18 December: Hurðaskellir (The Door Slammer)
  • 19 December: Skyrgámur (Filglupsken)
  • 20 December: Bjúgnakrækir (The Raven Thief)
  • 21 December: Gluggagægir (the Spaniard)
  • 22 December: Gáttaþefur (The Snuffer)
  • 23 December: Ketkrókur (Köttkorpen)
  • 24 December: Kertasníkir (Light Tiger)
13 jultomtar

Read more about Icelandic traditions

As well as having 13 Santas, Icelandic Christmas food is different from Swedish Christmas food. Iceland also celebrates another exciting holiday called Þorrablót. This old traditional holiday is celebrated in February, and involves eating food that is much more special than what is eaten at Christmas.

All our top tips about Iceland. Click on the image!

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