Wedding acid and love fever! We watched the royal wedding on TV yesterday, drinking pink bubbly and sobbing a bit. At the same time, we were reminded of our own wedding in Vietnam. It was in a heels different dimension, but nice nonetheless. Here is the story of our one-minute wedding ceremony in Hanoi.
Weddings in Vietnam
We got married in Vietnam three years ago. The wedding took place at the Swedish Embassy in Hanoi and the Swedish ambassador was the officiant. We had organised all the papers from Sweden in advance. We chose the long ceremony (one minute) instead of the short one (half a minute).

The dress was simple: Peter wore a white shirt and white trousers, I wore a green summer dress. The only people present were the Ambassador, us and two witnesses. Some might think it was simple, but we just wanted the chance to show our love for each other. We love travelling, so what could be better than getting married on the move?
After the ceremony we had dinner at a really luxurious restaurant in Hanoi. And then we sent texts home to family and friends, who hadn't been told in advance... A simple and beautiful wedding, just as we wanted!

Honeymoon in Halong Bay ...
The honeymoon was, of course, in Vietnam. I Halong Bay we lived for a day on a wooden boat like this, as it glided silently through the oppressive heat between the Sugarloaf Mountains. Sometimes it stopped for a bath or a visit to a cave.

... and in Hoi An
Then we moved on to the charming little town of Hi An. Here the women are tailors and the men are fishermen. We made clothes and got to know our tailors, who took us to the theatre, karaoke, nightclubs and invited us home for dinner. And of course there was time for sunbathing and swimming. Beautiful beaches where we were often alone. Maybe because it was low season, or because everyone else chooses Thailand...?

Johanna S says:
How marvellous! Couldn't imagine anything else about you. WOW!
20 June 2010 - 11:20
Maja says:
But oh so lovely! 🙂 Vietnam is one of my dream destinations.
20 June 2010 - 11:22
Ama de casa says:
What a beautiful wedding you had!
Vietnam is an amazing country! We were there in 1994 when they had just opened the borders to westerners. An incredible adventure as it was not so organised for tourists.
I have written a few posts about this :
20 June 2010 - 12:18
Leena says:
What a lovely really do make it your own day.
Our wedding took three minutes, what would it have been called in Vietnam;) But it is 32 years ago, oh how time flies .....:)
20 June 2010 - 13:12
simone says:
sv: Yes exactly, there are stilettos with only nails that are not covered with leather, they can handle ice and such... but not ours from Sweden, like your shoe shoes ^^.
20 June 2010 - 13:35
Annaluna says:
And you have to remember that anyone could have had a gigantic wedding, if the taxpayers had paid for it...;)
20 June 2010 - 14:00
Sara says:
Cosy! How long were you away?
20 June 2010 - 14:17
Catherine says:
How nice! Vietnam is actually one of my favourite countries here in Asia,,, did Vietnam for 6 weeks in 2002, before the tourist rush,,
Halong Bay and Hoi An,,, are powerful and beautiful places,,,, I still use my nice party clothes I sewed up in Hoi an,,, understand that you also shopped clothes there,,,
A memorable way to get married,, Vietnam is indeed romantic,,, I'm glad you shared your wedding with us.
20 June 2010 - 14:50
Ingrid says:
So nice to read about your wedding and so nice to see that there are more people than me who thought this was a suitable opportunity to think back on their own.
You can celebrate weddings in many different ways and this is what we did:
Have a nice continuation on Sunday!
20 June 2010 - 15:09
admin says:
Thanks for all the nice comments! And we can only agree that Vietnam is a very nice destination. It is one of our best trips, and we often recommend Vietnam.
Sara, we were in Vietnam for about 2.5 weeks.
20 June 2010 - 15:55
Osloskånskan says:
We also had a small wedding, never regretted it!
20 June 2010 - 19:35
Luxury wife says:
Nice to read about your wedding... and what a great time you had! Beautiful pictures! =)
20 June 2010 - 20:01
Stina says:
So wonderful! Nice pictures too:-) Hugs Stina
20 June 2010 - 20:21
Kersti says:
Hello on is
What a lovely wedding.... congratulations
20 June 2010 - 20:38
Ama de casa says:
sv: Of course it is! Some memories are fun only afterwards and really hard when you're in the middle of it 🙂.
20 June 2010 - 20:55
Ingela says:
Cosy wedding! Hugs to you!
20 June 2010 - 21:22
Okki says:
Thank you for your nice comment with me.
Isn't it nice to have a wedding?
One-on-one weddings have their charm, just as big ones have their charm.
I still think it was very generous of the bride and groom to allow us to be with them so much on this big day.
Hugs Okki
20 June 2010 - 22:44
Fighter says:
What wonderful trips you inspire!
Your wedding seems to have been simple and very beautiful.
Motorhome? We've said that many times. Maybe there will be one sometime in the future.
May well name it Fighter:-)
We have never been to Vietnam.
But Thailand is wonderful and all the better because we had the chance to visit an orphanage and other places where Thai friends took us where the tourists have not yet taken over.
Warm hugs and enjoy your travels!
20 June 2010 - 22:45
ninny says:
Hello! Great!
Yes, our wedding probably also had different dimensions to Vickan and Daniel's 🙂 But memorable.
Your wedding seems so lovely, beautiful and special - and I could imagine renewing our vows to each other on a sunny beach somewhere... We'll see!
21 June 2010 - 5:35
admin says:
Okki, I agree that it was generous of the couple to share this day with all of us Swedes! We "ordinary mortals" have the opportunity to do things in the background when we feel like it, not as easy to be a public person... But it was great that we got to share this big day with them!
Fighter, well why not name a future motorhome Fighter!?
And I agree that it is always interesting when you come to a country and get to see some "behind the scenes". Like when you have friends who can show you other sides of a country than what you usually see.
Ninni, yes, sometimes when you see a nice wedding you get the urge to do it again... But just having the memory is nice, I think.
21 June 2010 - 6:35
Alexandra says:
But oh how fantastic. What a wedding. Completely in my taste. 🙂
21 June 2010 - 11:51
Tove says:
What a beautiful wedding you had! It must have been a truly exotic experience!
Wishing you a fantastic holiday!!! 🙂
24 June 2010 - 13:37
Jennifer - Lola May says:
Oh how wonderful, incredibly nice. Must go there sometime. I also do not understand why tourists only go to Thailand, Cambodia and Vitenam are at least as cheap and have just as nice beaches.
26 June 2010 - 16:42
olle hermansson says:
shit what a boring wedding and what and what a disappointment for everyone who didn't get to attend....shitty.
18 October 2010 - 19:57