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Beaver safari without beavers in Lake Grövelsjön


Last night it was time for a beaver safari in a canoe. A guide took us and a group of Dutch people to Grövelsjön. It was a bit warmer coming down from the mountain and beautiful and calm on the lake, so we had a really nice canoe trip. This is a great thing to do for a whole family, when everyone can get involved together and have some excitement about seeing some cool beavers.


By motorhome at Idre fjäll

Now we have come to Idre fjäll. We are at the Caravan Club's campsite just up by the lifts. It is very nice up here, but really cold. You begin to wonder if you can really holiday in the north of Sweden in the summer without freezing all the time? Hope for better weather ...

Idre fjäll

What is beaver bark?

We stopped at a small camp where we were offered coffee while the guide told us about the beaver. We learnt all sorts of interesting things, such as that the beaver lives about 30 years, that it can be under water for 20 minutes and that the beaver bark (a liquid from the beaver's rump with which it marks its territory) was once sold to extract acitylsalicylic acid (the active ingredient in treo and magnecyl).

Break with coffee and beaver facts

Beaver safari, but no beavers

But did we see any beavers? Nope, unfortunately not a single beaver showed up. We guess that the beavers simply had something else to do on this day. There is a 70 per cent chance of seeing them according to the guide, but we were unlucky. For us it was a beaver safari without beavers.

It was of course a bit of an anticlimax, but we still had a nice day in nature and on the lake with a canoe. The kids loved this trip and the excitement was unbearable, haha. Children know the art of empathising with the situation as it is.


Wonderful Sweden

Grövelsjön is located in Älvdalen municipality and 10 minutes from the Norwegian border. It offers plenty of hiking trails, fishing, bike hire, horse riding and even golf. The scenic landscape also offers ski slopes in winter.


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