Looking for an exciting film with an unexpected ending? I Shutter Island Detective Inspector Teddy Daniels is sent to a mental hospital on an inhospitable island to investigate the disappearance of a patient. But nothing is what it seems ...
Film for a rainy summer evening
The film is directed by Martin Scorsese and stars Leonardo DiCaprio. A perfect film for a rainy summer evening!
Just Another Crazy Blonde - With Just Another Stupid Blog says:
No unexpected ending if you read the book - "Patien 67" - have you read it? 🙂
09 August 2010 - 19:27
admin says:
Just Another Crazy Blonde, nope we haven't read it... But I saw that the Swedish translation of the book was called that... I understand that the ending was expected if you have read it 🙂.
09 August 2010 - 20:34
Ninny says:
Thanks for the tip! Putting it behind my ear
09 August 2010 - 19:41
Alexandra says:
perfect. creepy. and a bit unclear. don't know if I've got the ending right. 🙂
09 August 2010 - 20:56
Erik says:
Well, it was an okay film, but it didn't take long to know how it would end.
10 August 2010 - 9:03
Joanna says:
Thought it was a bit strange at the beginning, but it was explained at the end!
10 August 2010 - 14:40