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How do YOU want to live your life?

A palliative care nurse asked dying patients what they regret in life, and shares her experience. The most common response was: "I wish I had the courage to live a life honest with myself, not the life others expected of me".


Expectations to live up to

Certainly, there can be many expectations to live up to. Writer Lena Andersson writes, in a column in DN, about the norm and social pressure that says "children are the meaning of life" and leaves no room for other ways of living.

Many have reacted to the column and some, like Linda Skugge, find it difficult to accept that not everyone wants to live the same (toddler) life as she does. Skugge writes: "Those who deliberately refrain from having children will regret it so bitterly".

Being honest with yourself

But was that what the dying patients said? No, they said that they regretted not living a life "honest with themselves". And that must be a billion different things: 10 children, no children, a cottage in the country, travelling the world, pursuing a career/love/ideology... So the question is, how do YOU want to live your life? And are you living it?

Crossroads. Photo: Pixabay

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