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Stop complaining Swedes! - We have it good

Now we have to say it: Swedes, stop complaining! DN reports that Newsweek magazine lists Sweden as a the third best country in the world to live in. The list is based on a combination of education, health, quality of life, economy and political climate. And yet you always hear Swedes complaining about how poor they are and how bad they have it... Take our little test!


Can you answer yes to these questions?

If you answer yes to ALL the questions - promise not to complain for a whole month! If you answer no to any of the questions, you can complain in a comment...

  1. Me and my family can eat our fill every day.
  2. We can occasionally (every week) add a treat, soft drinks, ice cream or wine.
  3. When someone in the family gets sick, we have access to good medical care.
  4. My (and my relatives' and friends') children go to school, receive school meals and teaching materials.
  5. I have a job or receive some financial compensation from the State
  6. In my home I can feel safe and warm and I really have everything I need.
  7. We have a TV, DVD, mobile phone and computer at home.
  8. I have been abroad at some point
  9. If I am unhappy with my life, I have legal and societal options to divorce/change jobs/retrain myself.
  10. I can vote for the party of my choice in the elections.
Svenska folkdräkter
Lovely, lovely in the third best country in the world!

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