Thanks for all the wise comments on the post on Risks of Travelling. Many seem to agree that there are risks, but that we may exaggerate them and worry unnecessarily. It's dangerous to live, sure, but the bad stuff can just as easily happen at home or when you least expect it. Why should you feel bad about your worries and what is life worth if you don't dare to live it?
In the land of security junkies
Psychiatrist David Eberhard writes in his book "I trygghets-narkomanernas land" (2006) that we Swedes have an excessive need for security and control. He argues that we must realise that life is dangerous and teach our children to deal with and evaluate reasonable dangers instead of prohibiting situations where they may arise.
Security breeds fear in the same way as panic disorder and leads to an excessive desire to avoid danger. According to Eberhard, the entire Swedish society suffers from a national panic syndrome that leads to paralysis, prohibition and fear.
But can't you protect yourself?
There is probably something in what Eberhard writes. But if you know that a certain stretch of road is accident-prone and a guardrail can save lives, shouldn't you put it up? Is it possible to maintain a certain degree of control and safety without it affecting us in the form of excessive anxiety and collective panic syndrome?
Lena & Jan says:
That's right, I don't know any other people who worry so much that they get sequelae from it... it's important to force yourself to take the day as it comes... then you get the facts on most things and let go of worry / need for control / fear / desire for property etc and you can start "living for real".
04 December 2010 - 19:27
Karin says:
Well, you can protect yourself when you can.
The risk with too much security is that you end up thinking that everything is harmless, of course. - And it can never be.
But it's nice to have a lot of the safety features available today.
Just imagine if we were to travel on winding mountain roads without even side tyres. :O
If there was no safety thinking, we would live completely different (shorter) lives even today.
04 December 2010 - 21:01
Diana says:
We are probably pretty much security junkies, yes.
05 December 2010 - 23:01