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Some journeys are best afterwards

A friend of mine used to say that some journeys are best afterwards, or at least certain stages of certain journeys. You know, things that are quite fun to remember and talk about. But which are not quite as fun at the time ... Some such travel memories below. Do you have any travel memories that are best afterwards?


Disease and cold in Trosa

Sometimes everything goes wrong! As brand new motorhome owners, we go to Trosa. We have absolutely no idea how the car works. It's cold inside, the fuse blows and water leaks all over the floor. I have a migraine and Peter is cooking dinner. I only have time to take one bite before I vomit on the couch ...

In Siberia without food

The train from Irkutsk (Siberia) to Ulan Bataar (Mongolia) takes about a day, but we don't bother packing food because there is a restaurant car on the Trans-Siberian railway... or so we thought. Luckily we met some Norwegians who offered us alcohol, hard bread and cold caviar.

Kallen kaviar - räddaren i nöden
Cold caviar - the saviour in times of need

Fleeing unrest in Kenya

And then there was Kenya: There is unrest in the country during the 2007 elections and we finally manage to escape in a taxi between burning car wrecks in the slums. We crossed borders on foot, hopped on a local bus in the Tanzania and get off ... somewhere. There are no vacant hotels, but there is a vacant ... tent.

Tält i Tanzania
In a tent in Tanga, Tanzania

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