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Sweden's best travel blogs according to MinTur

The website MinTur finally has Sweden's best travel blogs. The list is definitely worth checking out; there are many interesting and exciting blogs! On place number 1 we find the blog Ett annat New York. We ourselves made it to number 24, which feels great!


Our blog is on the list!

Even though our blog is relatively new, and even though we mostly blog specifically about motorhome travel, we have been awarded a place on the list. Very exciting! You can read a short interview with us and a review of the blog on

Perhaps an odd bird among our travel blogs, but with their dedication and love of life on the road, the Bergström family deserves a place on the list.


Difficult to compare blogs

Now the website MinTur has finally named them: Sweden's 25 best travel blogs. The list is definitely worth checking out; there are many interesting and exciting blogs! On place number 1 we find the blog Ett annat New York.

Comparing the blogs on this list is very difficult because they are so different. What exactly is a travel blog? It ranges from personal observations from Swedes living abroad to journalists' tips and reflections on travelling.

This is how the blogs were selected

MyTour describes that they went through over 100 good quality travel blogs. They then went through these, one by one, until they had 25 left. These were ranked based on a number of points, and each point was given a rating between 1 and 10. The points assessed were:

  • First impressions
  • Image quality
  • Text quality
  • Frequency of posts
  • Inspirational factor
  • Personality
  • News value
  • Design
  • Navigation and structure
  • Reserve relevance
  • Overall impression
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