Today I have visited Visby during the day, for work. Very easy to fly from Bromma to Visby, a journey of only 35 minutes. It has mostly been work, but also a short walk in the charming town and a fantastic ramson soup for lunch.
Visby at its best
Visby showed itself from its best side: sunny and nice but still quiet, as the real tourist season has not started. I would really like to see more of Visby at some other time. Have you been here? What are your top tips?

Mimmi says:
Great 35 minutes. What is the cost of a return flight?
Great blog!
18 May 2011 - 20:59
admin says:
Mimmi, glad you like our blog! Unfortunately, I do not know what the ticket costs, it was the client who paid. But it's probably quite easy to check on Gotlandsflyg's website, I don't think it should be very expensive.
18 May 2011 - 21:09
Catherine in Asia says:
How lovely and convenient to fly from Bromma... A short flight... Maybe you ran into my mother there,, they always stay in Visby before the tourist season starts....
Ha de
19 May 2011 - 3:27
Maran says:
Nice to see Visby in its best season, without congestion and queues 🙂 .
Flight tickets are usually around a thousand dollars, but there are cheaper red flights if you're on time.
21 May 2011 - 9:33