In a thread on the Travel Guide, there is currently a discussion on what to not can imagine travelling without. The thread creator is looking for good ideas, beyond the obvious things like passports, money and tickets. Here are some examples of things that some people consider essential when travelling.
Things people don't want to travel without
- Candles
- Cushion
- Alvedon
- Wettex dishcloth and dish brush
- Hand sanitiser
- Headphones
- Hair dryer
- Headlamp
- Wine opener / bottle opener
- Thermometer for air and water temperature
- One piece
- Sarong
I don't travel anywhere without scissors (nail scissors) - apart from the obvious, they come in handy for all sorts of things! Do you have anything that you always pack?

Camilla says:
I always put a roll of toilet paper, even if I'm staying in a hotel. Just in case, haha.
30 January 2012 - 11:06
Pia says:
Book, toothbrush, hand sanitiser, wipes and toilet paper!
30 January 2012 - 12:06
Cat in Asia says:
Passport, money, ATM card.
30 January 2012 - 13:39
Annika says:
Camera, two mobiles, computer, hand sanitiser, ATM card, and a little angel (not that I'm religious, it just feels right to have her in my bag).
30 January 2012 - 16:56
Maja says:
One piece for sure. 😀
Can you email me when you see this? I want to ask something!
/ Maja
30 January 2012 - 17:32
s p i n d e l t j e j e n says:
All my medicines and certificates. But of course my dear little baby... The camera that is. With the associated lens that covers most things 😉
30 January 2012 - 18:57
admin says:
Camilla, haha, a bit funny! On some trips, however, I walk around with some toilet paper in my pocket. Can be good as well
Pia, wow, lots of great tips! But don't we have an excessive need for hand sanitiser... or?
Annika, I like the part about the angel.
Maja, of course, I will email!
Spider girl, yes prescription drugs are important! And camera of course!
30 January 2012 - 21:00
Annelie-Singapore says:
My Swiss army knife, it contains the most!
Have a good day/ Hugs from Singapore
31 January 2012 - 4:38
Across the board says:
Pillow, passport and credit card, a roll of toilet paper. And only the mobile phone if the packing needs to be minimised. That way I can take decent pictures with my phone.
31 January 2012 - 21:36
Krister in Beijing says:
Of course, it depends on whether you're hiking through Siberia and living under the stars or travelling to a big city, but assuming you're travelling where there are hotels, it seems a bit odd that several of the items on the list are considered "essential".
01 February 2012 - 13:51
Ingrid says:
The mini PC and the mobile phone 😛
The hand sanitiser thing has not affected me despite or perhaps because I work at a preschool... BUT considering my tough cold, maybe I should tighten up a bit!
01 February 2012 - 16:27
admin says:
Annelie-Singapore, I can imagine!
Across the board, we usually take a regular camera. But when we travelled to Kiev over New Year, we also just took our mobile phone, and took photos with it.
Krister in Beijing, haha, we don't usually bring a headlamp when we go on a city weekend either....
Ingrid, no, we are not so afraid of germs either. Maybe hand sanitiser is good sometimes, but some people also seem to get a bit too nervous.
01 February 2012 - 19:20