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Learning a new language


Regular readers may remember that we started reading Russian in the evenings. How is it going? Well, we have to admit that we are a bit behind ... so we have to catch up! Right now there are notes with Russian words everywhere in our house ....


Challenges and tips

That read Russian is not easy. I find it fairly easy to learn languages, and yet I have to say that I find it very difficult. Languages are complex and it takes a lot of time and commitment to learn a new language. As a child, and maybe as an adolescent, it is fairly easy to learn pronunciation, but the older you get, the more difficult it becomes and the more powerful it is. the refraction.

Some people complain about grammar, but grammar is essential for understanding how to handle a new language. Then you need a vocabulary too! To practise words, we have put up a lot of post it notes in the kitchen that we practise on continuously. do you want to learn a new language? What are your best tips for learning a new language?

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Post-it notes with Russian words in our kitchen

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