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Book tip: Travelling in Sharialand by Tina Thunander


During my flu season I have been reading Tina Thunander's "Travelling in Sharialand. A report on women's lives in Saudi Arabia". Tina is quite lost when she lands in the kingdom, but is soon given a lesson in the state of affairs by the Ministry of Information's envoy.


Imagine that you and I are in the desert and it happens that you haven't covered your legs, and I happen to see them. Then I get - I'm sorry to say this - but I get horny. I can't help it, because that's the way men are made. That's why you should be covered. It's for your own safety.

Outside perspective, but still interesting

This is a book about a Muslim society, written by a Western woman. A clear outside perspective, but still interesting. Not least because Tina gets to visit a number of women's environments that are rarely reported on.

And it is not only Tina's voice that is heard, but above all those who are interviewed: the women at the university, the guest workers, the princes, the learned man who issues fatwas and the former Sharia judge. A fascinating, breathtaking and sometimes frightening journey through an unknown country.

Resa i Sharialand

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