What an amazing experience to be at a Kenyan wedding! They told us that this was a small wedding because there were "only" 400 guests. In our eyes it was of course a huge wedding. Moreover, a fantastic wedding with beautiful clothes, joy and dancing.
Guests danced into the church
The ceremony began at 10:30am with the bridal party arriving. hiring in the church. After a lengthy ceremony, with speeches, prayers and songs, everyone danced out again. Outside in a green field, a reception and lunch was organised for hundreds of guests.

Wedding party
The wedding party was held under large marquees on the green area outside the church. There was food, speeches, songs, cake and even more dancing. A very nice wedding and so many fantastic clothes, look at the pictures!

Inga-Lill and Arne Gustafsson says:
But soooo cool!!! So colourful! Imagine being part of this, what an amazing experience!
Greetings Inga-Lill and Arne from somewhat colourless Sweden!
29 April 2012 - 20:11
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Oh what nice memories you will take home with you. Sounds like there was a lot of excitement at this wedding. Wonderful.
29 April 2012 - 20:54
Camilla says:
Wow! What a thing to be part of!!! 😀 Thank you for sharing this!
I went to an 89th birthday party in Brazil, which was also fantastic! There was a whole orchestra walking across the lawn playing Happy Birthday and people danced salsa and laughed and ate for hours!
29 April 2012 - 21:15
Agneta says:
what an amazing experience to be part of!
29 April 2012 - 21:45
Anonymous says:
What an experience, and what colours and dances. I can imagine dancing all night long..........
30 April 2012 - 0:24
Anki says:
Wow... what an amazing experience! There will be many great memories 🙂 .
How marvellous!
30 April 2012 - 7:04
Pia says:
Wow how cool! And how beautiful everyone is! What a great experience, I love brollops!
30 April 2012 - 10:28
nils-åke says:
What an experience to be part of this
30 April 2012 - 10:49
Frankie & Co says:
Oh how wonderful to get a small part of this with your pictures 🙂 .
30 April 2012 - 11:14
Annika says:
Yes, what an experience!
EVERYONE is so beautiful! AND look so happy!!!
Nice to see your photos!!!
30 April 2012 - 14:44
Ninni and the Hjulius motorhome in a corner says:
Oh, how beautiful! Lovely. Isn't it special to be at such a huge wedding? It's a great feeling!
30 April 2012 - 15:31
Lena says:
So much fun to experience other traditions and customs, they are colourful and beautiful, very nice!
30 April 2012 - 16:04
Leena says:
Says like others above here....What an experience..... is different than just coming as a regular tourist.
I'd like to have a dress like that that you just wrap around yourself in their lovely colours.
Enjoy the warmth and bring some of it home too:)
30 April 2012 - 16:36
Seniors Speculate says:
What a fantastic wedding. I have been a guest at a very different wedding in Kuwait. The women partied in one room and the men in another. We didn't get to see the groom meet the bride, the officiant had a ceremony with the groom and then went over to the women and probably repeated a similar ceremony there. Very different, but a great party it was, amazing people, and amazing food. An experience of a lifetime.
30 April 2012 - 21:33
Tess says:
How cool to be at a wedding in Kenya! 🙂 I myself attended a wedding in China a few years ago. Really exciting, although I felt a little out of place....
PS You haven't missed that your guide about Kiev has been published on Reseguiden. 🙂
02 May 2012 - 15:14
Tess says:
How cool to be at a wedding in Kenya! 🙂 I myself attended a wedding in China a few years ago. Really exciting, although I felt a little out of place....
PS You have not missed that your guide about Kiev has been published on Reseguiden as a finalist in the Guide of the Month. 🙂
02 May 2012 - 15:16
admin says:
THANK YOU for all the nice comments! It really was an amazing experience! I don't think we have melted all the impressions yet... Nice to hear also about your experiences with weddings and parties in other cultures! Fantastic when you get the chance to participate!
Tess, thanks for the link to the Travel Guide! Miss a little when you are here and do not connect so often / long ...
04 May 2012 - 11:38
Mr Stephan Berglund says:
Absolutely fantastic! I am really jealous of you who got to experience such a wedding. I work as a wedding photographer but have never been to a Kenyan one...:-) Who knows, maybe one day....
04 September 2013 - 23:33
admin says:
Stephan Berglund, it was a fantastic wedding! Not least to see all the beautiful clothes and the joy of the dance!
05 September 2013 - 6:22
Lanclin-Linnea says:
The colours, the laughter, the dance, so beautiful! 🙂
18 January 2017 - 8:50