Nairobi is full of people, cars and commerce. There are both central areas, where people walk around in suits on their way to work, and slum suburbs where you are advised to lock your car door and not go out. We spent a few days in Nairobi, before and after attending an amazing wedding in Kenya.


Long way to Nairobi

It was a long way to Nairobi! The flight went as planned to Schiphol, but we were stuck there for many hours. First the engine failed and we had to get off the plane for a few hours. When we got back on, one passenger was missing and one piece of luggage had to be taken off. There went another hour ... 

When we finally landed in Nairobi, it was after midnight. Rose's friends picked us up by car and we were taken to the home of her hospitable friend Merita, where we felt very welcome and got our own room. Now we have also had time to look around the city.


Walking in the city

On our first day in Kenya, Peter and I had some time to ourselves in Nairobi. On the way in, the roads are in total chaos and often at a standstill, with vendors pushing their way through the cars selling everything from bananas to tyres. Inside the city we checked out the shops, and this part of the city felt safe to walk around. When the rain suddenly started pouring down, we looked for a café (not easy) and then a bar.

Försäljare på vägen
Salesmen on the road
Regn på Nairobis gator
Rain on the streets of Nairobi

Full of surprises

Our friends were supposed to pick us up for a dinner with some relatives, but because the traffic is crazy here and because time is not so fussy, we took a taxi late in the evening instead. And the dinner turned out to be quite a party. Here life is full of surprises ...

Fest dagen innan bröllopet
Party the day before the wedding

Mzungu area

On the Kenyan wedding there was another mzungu (white person): Serbian Marta, who is studying with Rose in Sweden and now doing an internship in Kenya. The day after the wedding, she invited us to her home in the Gigiri neighbourhood. This is a different part of Nairobi: big luxurious villas, embassies and cafes where you mostly see mzungus. There was a walk in the forest, a visit to Art café and then cooking in the kitchen she shares with 15 others.

Mungu area
Long walks in nature
Området Gigiri i Nairobi
Gigiri neighbourhood in Nairobi
Matlagning i det gemensamma köket där Marta bor
Cooking in the communal kitchen where Marta lives.
All our top tips about Kenya. Click on the image!

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