Now we have rolled into Västerås mälarcamping. We were actually looking for a pitch in Västerås, at the marina, but did not find it for some reason. Instead, it became really good here at the campsite! Here we have had everything from a walk in the sun (and the cold), Easter lunch, relaxing in front of some recorded TV series, the first barbecue of the year and meeting nice camping neighbours.
Easter lunch at the campsite
When we arrived at Västerås Mälarcamping, we quickly found a place, which was not so difficult on the large open field that meets here. After the night on Härjarö camping, when it really became a real winter cold, it was nice that the sun at least showed up. We started with a really good Easter lunch with herring, gravad salmon, eggs, meatballs, beetroot salad and associated Skåne. Lovely to celebrate Easter in the motorhome!
In the afternoon it was a walk down to the beach. It's always nice by the water of course, but it's really cold outside and also became a bit cloudy. After the walk, it was nice to crawl into the warmth of the motorhome again. When it is cold and rough outside, it is almost the most cosy in the motorhome!

Friendly camping neighbours
In the evening we took out the grill and had a really good barbecue dinner. Then we were visited by our super nice camping neighbours Anna and Anders, who incidentally have the same model of motorhome as us (Adria Coral 660). Extra fun to be able to exchange experiences on how to solve various small practicalities! Thank you for a very nice evening with lots of talk and laughter!

Västerås Mälarcamping
Västerås Mälarcamping belongs to Nordic Camping and is a large and rather "flat" campsite. What is most beautiful here is actually the proximity to the shore of Lake Mälaren. Like this, when it is both cold and grey, it is a little difficult to imagine what it looks like in the summer. Probably the view will be a little different then! If you want to know more, take a look at the campsite's website.

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Seniors Speculate says:
Surely there is something special about the first barbecue of the year. We made the premiere during our stay in Kårehamn a few weeks ago. On the first day there was salmon on the grill and the next day there was cod and vegetables in foil packages. We are fish people, as you may understand. We haven't had time to put meat on the grill yet.
08 April 2012 - 9:30
Ingrid says:
We have managed the first barbecue, but not the first motorhome trip of the year. It is still stored in our barn, with some small short out and in runs because something else needs to be done...
08 April 2012 - 13:27
admin says:
Seniors Speculate, we also love fish and like to grill fish! Yesterday it was chicken on the grill though.
Ingrid, when is it time? For us, grilling and motorhomes are somewhat related... but we live in an apartment, so we don't grill at home....
08 April 2012 - 16:31