End of summer at work yesterday - at Hesselby Castle. And no, it's not me spelling it wrong. The castle has recently changed owners and changed the ä to an original e. This is a rather small 17th century castle that was inhabited by the Bonde family until 1931 when the City of Stockholm bought the castle and the land to build the suburbs of Hässelby and Vällingby.
Hotel, conference and dinner
At Hesselby castle you can stay over in the castle's various "artist rooms", have a conference or have dinner, which we did. And I have to say that the food was high class! Every week there is a new 4-course menu composed by the award-winning chef Fredrik Juhlin, and inspired by old-time castle dinners.
Our menu
The first starter was a green tomato soup with salmon, scallops, apples and libs, served in a small glass jar. This was followed by a veal and priest's cheese jam, hanger steak with asparagus and strawberries cooked four ways. Not bad at all ...

Frankie & Co says:
Oh, it sounds good for both the palate and the eye 🙂 .
20 June 2012 - 7:27
Mr Michael says:
Please can I get some help from you would really need it. Would you have any interest in helping out in fashion forums for fashion savvy and fashion interested people? Moderator / VIP roles are available for serious and committed people. Even a post helps a lot to make the fashion forum more vibrant. Thank you for taking the time to look at this / A big Hug
20 June 2012 - 8:24
Emmy says:
Wow, there was a lot to read here! You seem to have a nice time anyway =)
20 June 2012 - 9:21
Ninni and the Hjulius motorhome in a corner says:
sounds exciting with the food. Glad they went back to the "e" in the name.
20 June 2012 - 11:02
Annika says:
You might know that I lived my first 7 years in that castle 🙂 .
In the east wing.
My father was the castle gardener there for many years.
I know Hässelby Slott like the back of my hand (I refuse to write Hesselby, haha).
So Hässelby Slott means a lot to me.
That's where my sister got married, and that's where my whole early childhood is. I knew everyone who worked at the castle, especially in the kitchen. These were nice ladies who gave us cakes and other things when we played outside....
Yes, there were times when...
COOL that you liked it all when you were there.
20 June 2012 - 14:33
admin says:
Frankie & Co, mmm that's it!
Annika, how nice that you look in and write! I thought of you when we were in Hässelby, and thought that surely it was this castle you told me about! Glad that you now look in and confirm that it was! Yes, it was a really nice evening!
20 June 2012 - 16:14
Johanna in Skåne says:
I was in Vällingby for dinner with the department last night. The woman we were with mentioned that Tomas Ledin had bought Hesselby Castle and was going to have a folk music (or was it folk dance?) festival there this summer. I sat next to the only person in the group that I hadn't talked to before and it turned out that she went to school + played theatre with you.
20 June 2012 - 16:16
admin says:
Johanna, but what crazy coincidences!!! Yes, we also understood that Tomas Ledin bought Hesselby Castle (at least as a co-owner) and that they want a lot of music there. And now I become terribly curious, who was it that you sat next to ...?
20 June 2012 - 16:59
Seniors Speculate says:
Strange encounters sometimes. We have been to Hässelby Castle a few times. On one of the occasions when we lived in Stockholm, in Nockeby, we had friends who lived out in Hässelby, right next to the nursery that burned on New Year's Eve, many years ago. I think that the owner had something to do with the castle too. Not sure, but my head says so right now. But that was a long time ago. The years go by so fast that you sometimes get scared. Strange because we don't get older, do we? Have a good time. Soon holiday sounds like many people right now. 3 M
20 June 2012 - 17:32
admin says:
Seniors Speculate, yes indeed! Not holiday for us yet, but at least some time off this weekend. Wishing you a nice midsummer!
21 June 2012 - 6:53