We've had a lot of seafood in Halifax, here in Canada. This is a city on the coast, so perhaps it is not so strange that there is plenty of fish here. As you walk along the quayside, you pass one fish restaurant after another. Both the ingredients and the way they are served are slightly different from what you are used to from Sweden and Europe, but it's good!
At fish restaurants in Halifax
During the day I am at a conferencebut in the evenings we can enjoy the offerings of the restaurants. The fish restaurants here in Halifax primarily serve salmon, haddock, lobster, scampi, crab meat, mussels, scallops and oysters.
The seafood can be served on its own or cooked in stews, soups, gratins, pasta, crepes, salads and sandwiches. You can also get lobster at the taco bar and at McDonald's! So the variety is great. Here are some pictures from our lunches and dinners over the last few days...

Great seafood in Halifax
Blue mussels are a favourite at home too, and here they have proven to be delicious and fresh. We have ordered mussels for lunch several times at Murphy's restaurant, and sometimes we have ordered a portion to share as a starter before dinner. Usually they are served in an herbaceous sauce with tomato and onion, very good!
Another surprise here is the oysters. Peter is fond of oysters, but I have only just started to learn, and still have some doubts. Here we have been served oysters from several different regions along with different flavours and sauces. I liked this!

Casseroles, gratins ... and a plank!
They are good at casseroles and gratins here. The flavours are often rich and the texture is creamy. We tried the classic bouillabasse, which was very good. We also ordered a seafood casserole one day. We didn't really know what it would contain, so judge our surprise when it was packed with lobster, among other things.
There seems to be an abundance of lobster here, so it's thrown into every other dish. And you can't complain about that! We have also eaten gratinated scallopand this is the first time we have been served it as a main course. In addition, we have eaten an honest salmon on a plank. Good too!

The abbess in China says:
Shiiit how good that looks! I love seafood but unfortunately it's something we don't have enough of here...
11 July 2012 - 13:53
Pia says:
Ah how good it looks!!! Yummy!! Now I get hungry....! Have a continued honest journey!
11 July 2012 - 14:43
Seniors Speculate says:
Wow, those are our best memories from there and from the northern part of New England. That's the big lobster fishing area. Getting a little jealous. Bye! 3 M
11 July 2012 - 22:39
admin says:
Abbfrun in China, we also love seafood (as you can see) and here you can really feast on it. Wonderful! Otherwise, it feels like there is mostly fried and other American-influenced, so it is not difficult to choose ...
Pia, thank you!
Seniors Speculate, well lobster certainly seems to be in abundance here. Not bad at all!
11 July 2012 - 22:55
Across the board says:
Stop, stop, stop! I'm about to start drooling 😀 So wonderful to be able to indulge in these delights. Makes me really jealous...
12 July 2012 - 9:31
Agneta says:
oh my goodness, what a treat...!
12 July 2012 - 21:40