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The wedding party - Robin & Alexandra 2012


After the wedding ceremony and toast, the wedding party for Robin and Alexandra continued. We would like to thank Alexandra's mum Anette and her family for a beautifully organised party in their home. Of course, we would also, again, like to wish Robin and Alexandra all happiness and prosperity together in life!

Bröllopsmiddagen - här serverades vi goda grillspett direkt från grillen
The wedding dinner - here we were served tasty skewers straight from the grill.
Peter var toastmaster - när ankan kvackade var det dags för tal eller telegram
Peter was the toastmaster - when the duck quacked, it was time for a speech or telegram!
Robins mamma Jeanette visade tidiga verk av Robin - som på den tiden hade ett stort intresse för berg- och dalbanor
Robin's mum Jeanette showed early works by Robin - who at the time had a keen interest in roller coasters.
Det rosa paketet
Time to open presents - here they still didn't know what was in the pink parcel!
Robin och Alexandra dansade den första dansen tillsammans
Robin and Alexandra danced the first dance together.

The pink packet

Now you might be wondering what was in the pink package? The parents of the bride and groom, including new partners and families, had jointly agreed on this gift. Inside the (rather large) pink package was a small pink folder, and inside the folder was a small little ticket... to Mallorca. The bride and groom had planned to start work on Monday, but we are sending them on a week's sun holiday instead. We have, of course, coordinated the holiday with their respective managers.

Rosa paketet

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