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Skåne and Halland during the day


Work trip today again: destination Laholm. With a flight from Bromma to Ängelholm, I was down in Skåne in just over an hour, and then it was just a car over Hallandsåsen to get to Laholm.


Flight from Bromma to Ängelholm

It is very easy to fly from Bromma, I must say. Bromma airport is close to the city, you fly ticketless and do not have to be there very far in advance. It almost feels like taking the bus!

Then coming down to Ängelholm was also convenient. Ängelholm airport is small, so you can quickly find your way out, to take a taxi or bus further.

Ängelholms flygplats
Ängelholm Airport
På flygplatsen i Ängelholm kan man förstås köpa Engelholmsglass...
At Ängelholm airport you can of course buy Engelholms Ice Cream ...
Flackt skånskt landskap omgärdar flygplatsen. ..
The flat Scanian landscape surrounds the airport ...

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