When we went to the Fish Market restaurant in Reykjavik, we had the best food we have ever had. Of course, we couldn't resist buying the restaurant's cookbook! The recipes are by Icelandic celebrity chef Hrefna Rósa Sætran.
Asian influences
The book includes recipes for fish and seafood, but also lamb and poultry, often with Asian influences in the flavours. It will be interesting to try to cook some of the dishes in the book! Read more about the restaurant at the restaurant's website and in our blog post about the visit to the Fish Market.

Camilla says:
Then we hope to see some recipes and cooking pictures here in the future 😉.
16 September 2012 - 8:01
Inga Magnusson says:
Great to follow your journey in Iceland, and the food looks amazing!
16 September 2012 - 10:49
admin says:
Camilla, yes of course we will try to cook something and post recipes!
16 September 2012 - 13:10
FANTSY DINING-A blog about themed restaurants & travel says:
How exciting!!!
18 September 2012 - 21:45