Today there has been snow chaos in Stockholm traffic, and both cars and rail traffic have had major problems due to the snow storm. SMHI has issued a class 2 warning in the county, most flights have been cancelled and SL has on its website urged customers to avoid travelling by commuter train.
An adventure to get to work
I got home from work by bus, which was a minor adventure in itself. The bus was half an hour late after being stuck in the snow. When it arrived in the centre of Sundbyberg, it got stuck again. But it was in good company - on the walk home I passed two more buses that were stuck ...

Icicles on the motorhome
And the cold is here to stay, if the newspapers are to be believed. I must say that I like snow and cold much better than darkness and rain. Now it's just a matter of dressing properly! We also hope that the motorhome does well where it is in the cold! We've had some heat on, which means that it's now full of colour. icicles …

Across the board says:
Hang in there! Rescue is on its way - see your mailbox 😀.
05 December 2012 - 20:41
Across the board says:
Hang in there! Rescue is on the way - watch your mailbox 😀.
05 December 2012 - 20:41
Matts Torebring says:
Yes, it's not always fun when it's slippery. I have never understood how to clear the snow in Stockholm with all the parked cars. Maybe a snow blower that throws the snow onto a lorry. Well, you know better how it works, better than I do. Don't fall over!
05 December 2012 - 21:53
Allis says:
I've followed the reporting during the day and it doesn't seem to have been much fun!
Not so bad here (just outside Gbg) - only ice-cold wind and snow drifts but after Monday's chaos here, most people seem to have got their winter tyres on! (Finally!)
Now let's hope the weather stabilises 😉.
05 December 2012 - 22:11
Beate says:
When I read your story, I get my own post confirmed - and it feels good;-)
05 December 2012 - 21:19
Inga Magnusson says:
There seems to have been a lot of snow in Stockholm, but the internet is full of mocking comments from northern Sweden, who would hardly call this snowy weather a disaster. 😉
06 December 2012 - 0:08
Ditte says:
A lot of snow indeed! But imagine that both SL, SJ and the snow plough are always equally unprepared. It is the same every year. Who knows how and when they will learn?
I wonder what they do in Norrland and in the parts of Finland, Norway, the Alps and other countries where a lot of snow is often common in December.
Just a thought....
But in a big city like Stockholm, not being able to get around by public transport or by car is sad.
Good luck today and take care in the slippery conditions!
06 December 2012 - 5:30
admin says:
Criss-cross, haha, how lucky that Norrbotten can help. We may need it!
Matts, yes you ... yesterday there was not much snow removal that could be done directly at all ... Otherwise, there are always certain times / days when you are not allowed to park in certain places to be cleaned, etc.
None, haha I can imagine! Sure, it's the same show every year and hardly as much snow as in Norrland. On the other hand, more frequent bus, metro and commuter train traffic here if I may guess ...
Ditte, it's the same every year, and they always seem unprepared...! But maybe they put more resources into this in the cities where there is often a lot of snow?
06 December 2012 - 8:02