Our apartment does not look like others. We've decorated it in turn-of-the-century style and now we're selling it! Not because we don't like it, but because next year we're going on a longer trip. For that we plan to get a smaller and simpler accommodation.
Table of contents
Sixteenth century style
Our apartment is designed in a turn-of-the-century style with stucco, arches and high mouldings. Peter is a carpenter and builder, but his greatest craftsmanship is in fine carpentry, painting and design, especially in this old style. So it is he who has designed, built and painted the apartment to give it this character. Welcome to look in with us.

Kitchen and dining room
The kitchen has a modern design with a large bar (where we usually eat breakfast), a free-hanging fan and integrated kitchen equipment such as an oven, microwave and coffee machine. The kitchen, which is in the centre of the apartment, is large and there is also a dining area with a large dining table. This end of the room has been decorated in an old-fashioned style with large "mirrors" on the walls, covered with dark blue fabric.

In the bedroom, we chose a dark yellow, almost orange colour for the walls and ceiling. We have yellow curtains and a lot of gold in the mirrors and furniture. The chairs (there are two, but only one of them is visible in the picture) come from my (Helena's) grandmother.

The bathroom is relatively small, but still feels quite spacious because the ceiling is so high. Peter has decorated the round dome-shaped ceiling like a starry sky. The walls are marble.

Small bedroom
The small bedroom, Billie's room, has very special walls. It may look like marble, but it's not. Peter has marbled, or painted, the walls to look like stone.

Living room
Perhaps the most special room is our living room. This room is full of stucco, especially on the ceiling. The ceiling is also marbled. The secretary, the chest of drawers and the tall mirrored furniture come from my (Helena's) grandmother.

Role o Carina says:
Nice, we must say, good carpenter !!!
You can probably sell it immediately at a good price!!!
We are also thinking of eventually selling our house.
and get something simpler when we're done working.
To be able to go abroad with your motorhome and the
overwinter like many others do...
Enjoy and good luck......
09 February 2013 - 13:11
Aniika says:
LOVE the dome in the bathroom! And "longer journey"? Tell me more! 🙂
09 February 2013 - 15:08
Krister in Beijing says:
Very beautiful detail work and a very beautiful home!
It will be very interesting to read about what kind of travelling adventures you have coming up. You are building up an impressive travel experience.
Good luck!
09 February 2013 - 15:55
Lars Permeln says:
Truly magnificent, bordering on castle-like. It must have taken a long time to create this work of art.
09 February 2013 - 17:27
Ditte says:
What an exciting apartment! And what work is behind it all. Imagine having such a skilled carpenter in the house!
I am totally sold! So many nice details everywhere. The apartment looked much more spacious than the 76 m2 listed in the advert. (Ours is 70m2 and feels significantly smaller.
I understand that you want to sell the apartment if you are going on a long holiday next year. What a fun project!
09 February 2013 - 18:27
Matts Torebring says:
Do you have an apartment at Drottningholm or inside the castle in the Old Town? Not exactly an ordinary apartment. Thanks for the visit and for letting us look in. Hugs.
09 February 2013 - 21:48
Across the board says:
How nice! It shouldn't be too hard to get rid of.
What kind of longer trip are you planning? Have a nice continuation of the weekend.
09 February 2013 - 22:09
Inga Magnusson says:
Wow, so nice! I really like the style! But it's hard to sell an apartment, with all the styling and clearing away for photography and viewing. One of the sons in Stockholm has bought a new apartment and is now selling his old one, so we've been following their ordeal. Much depends on a good photographer.
10 February 2013 - 0:40
admin says:
Rolle and Carina, thank you! It sounds like good planning! It doesn't look so bad when you see pictures and read about all the people who overwinter!
Aniika, glad you like the dome! We do too! We are planning to travel for a year or so with the campervan. We will come back and tell you more!
Krister, thank you! Glad you like it! We will come back and tell you more about the trip!
Lars Permeln, yes, we worked a lot when we prepared the apartment!
Ditte, yes there is a lot of work behind it! Glad you like it! The photos are from the estate agency's photographer, and they take a wide-angle perspective... So it may look a little bigger. But it's a good floor plan too.
Matts, haha no... although we have taken some inspiration from castles! The apartment is located in Sumpan. It was an old premises when we bought it, so we have done a "total makeover" you could say ...
Across the board, we plan to take leave and travel with the camper van. I will come back and tell you more!
Inga Magnusson, yes, it's a lot of work... we hope it goes well!
10 February 2013 - 1:03
Frankie & Co says:
M builders smile knowingly at the craftsmanship and praise Peter!
Happy buyers we say 🙂
10 February 2013 - 9:36
Lennart says:
Really a nice apartment!
There's a lot of work behind it!
We are also thinking about selling the house and moving to a small apartment!
Our son beat us to the move!
The aim is to overwinter in the south as soon as the wife has finished work!
Live well!
10 February 2013 - 11:14
Anki says:
Wow! Wow... what an apartment! Lots and lots of work, time and money put into it!
Now I just read in the next post about your planned trip... really cool!
It will be exciting to follow you on it eventually 🙂 ðŸ™'
10 February 2013 - 14:56
Helga says:
It sounds exciting with your planned long journey with the motorhome. Good luck with the sale of the apartment. It will be fun to read about how it goes for you with everything.
Yesterday I was in Jordan, if only for a little while....
10 February 2013 - 16:51
admin says:
Frankie & Co, thank you! Yes, there is a lot of craftsmanship behind it!
Lennart, yes it is a lot of work behind!!! Sounds wonderful with plans for wintering in the south!
Anki, yes it feels like an exciting future!
Helga, thank you! Exciting with Jordan, even though you may not have seen much?
10 February 2013 - 17:37
Deciree says:
It looks good. You will probably sell it:) He is good Peter. You have probably had a finger in the game / apartment too:-) Good luck.
10 February 2013 - 21:12
admin says:
Deciree, of course we help each other! But it is he who has the talent and craftsmanship, so to speak...
Ulla & Torgny, yes, time is shorter than you somehow imagine from the beginning... so it is important to make the most of the time! And it really sounds like you did! Sandstorm in Africa sounds exciting! But we must hope that it calms down until tomorrow.
11 February 2013 - 19:09
Ulla & Torgny says:
Hello, Yes, you are doing the right thing by making the most of your time here on earth, which we have realised is short, and you are starting on time. We put our furniture in storage and travelled around Europe for two years before bringing the furniture out again.
Oh, it will be so much fun to follow you, I have done it all the time. At the moment we are in Africa and there is a sandstorm so we have to stay inside until it has calmed down. But there will be a new day tomorrow.
Good luck!
11 February 2013 - 19:05
Olivia - young on the road says:
Wow what a nice apartment.
However, I think you are doing the right thing by selling. You should always follow your passion. I think it's brave, I guess there are many who question what you do.
Strange that people always judge us who choose to do something that is not completely obvious. For example, I will be travelling alone for 6 months as a 19-year-old, and have only felt comfortable with the idea. However, I get a lot of criticism from those around me. It's boring.
11 February 2013 - 23:40
admin says:
Olivia, thank you! 🙂 Of course we can meet some resistance. Some of the people around you may not think it is so fun to disappear, or worry that it will be an unwise decision. But if you want something very much, you will probably regret it much more if you don't dare! Travelling as you do, as a single 19-year-old, is both unusual and brave! If it's your dream, you're probably right to follow it! Then, of course, it is important to be a little careful and think about what you do when travelling alone. Hope you have a really good trip! I will look in from time to time on your page. Guess you update during the trip?
12 February 2013 - 9:36
Annika says:
Wow, I also say, wow!
It feels a bit heavy to sell it too, I think, you have put so much effort into it.
How delicious.
But also great that you're following your dream, of course.
What a great adventure!
Brave! Hats off!
12 February 2013 - 13:49
admin says:
Annika, of course it can feel sad to leave the apartment in a way. But at the same time, it feels absolutely right, each thing has its time!
13 February 2013 - 23:04