As you may know, we are in the process of selling our apartment. We are taking one step at a time towards the long journey we plan to make next year. The first step is to sell our apartment and move to something smaller and simpler.
Difficult to sell a special apartment
Unfortunately, our apartment was probably a bit for special. I have loved the warm, soft colours, but there have been too few people at the viewings and, according to the estate agent, people want 'bright and fresh'. So now we're painting over all the colours and marbling - everything will be white. It's a bit sad, but we've had eight fantastic years here and new adventures await!
We paint and paint
Peter painted until half past two last night. This morning we got up at 7.30 and started again. Our flat is no picnic to paint. There are plinths, mouldings and stucco everywhere. No straight walls to quickly roll over, in other words ...
Then it can be more work than you originally thought. For example, when we painted the walls white, it turned out that the windows, which we thought were white, were not so white. So now we have to paint them too... White everywhere!

Marina says:
It's funny, isn't it, about viewings. I remember when we sold our house. when the pictures were posted on hemnet, we almost did not recognise our house. Hope it goes well now and there will be more when it's time again!
09 March 2013 - 3:54
Ingrid says:
Yes, we are different. But strange if you can't see the potential anyway... Now I'm a bit "damaged" in having a handy man, but then you can get it just the way you want it... Good luck!
09 March 2013 - 8:56
Lena & Jan says:
"Klasse" I say about the previously incredibly beautiful apartment. Regrets that the brokers are so reluctant to advertise in other media than in Sv standard forum, convinced that speculators exist! Brokers have too little patience simply! Thanks for the look at you... Our villa which has mostly white / light coloured walls could not be sold either, hope you succeed!
09 March 2013 - 10:31
Seniors Speculate says:
Taste is always a tricky thing. Unfortunately, but after working with interior design for many years. Among other things, at NK Inredning, you were taught that the walls should be quiet and gadgets, furniture, carpets and paintings were what should speak, there is a lot in it, otherwise a home can be perceived as messy and plotted. I myself have always had light and airy walls and let the other things speak. But many people also said that when we completely renovated our current house. How cowardly and boring you are to have everything light and almost white. But in the long run it's best, unfortunately. Also, most people find it very difficult to look at an object from a different perspective. But good luck, your apartment is fantastic, and will probably feel even more fantastic when you see the space in it. Good luck to you! 3 M
09 March 2013 - 10:39
JoY says:
Agree with you, it was nice warm colours in lgh. Hope you get the apartment sold with new bright colours. Understand that it is messy with you, we "just" tear out the kitchen with all that it means!
Good luck with the paint cans and enjoy the weekend.
09 March 2013 - 11:05
Ditte says:
So sad that speculators did not understand to appreciate your beautiful apartment as it was. But everyone is different.
I thought it was really cool in what I saw from your photos.
I hope that things will go better with the sales organisation. And sometimes 50 people come and look and one buys and sometimes three come and look and all are interested.
Fingers crossed! And be patient! Good luck!
09 March 2013 - 13:00
admin says:
Marina, they are good photographers, but wide-angle perspectives and such make it look very big....
Ingrid, yes, I'm also used to thinking that way... But those who want to rebuild may be looking for something unrenovated and cheaper then....
Lena & Jan, it's great that you appreciated how we have organised the apartment! Maybe it's that the estate agents are in too much of a hurry... But the market feels a bit slow now too. Then maybe it's a bit of luck and bad luck when you have such a special object.
Seniors Speculating, I myself can sometimes think that it is more cluttered with white and then lots of different paintings, carpets, etc. But of course it depends on how you decorate it. And I know that most people want it that way. And now we simply have to adapt to the market.
JoY, it always gets messy when you're doing it, and tearing out the kitchen is not so "just"...
Ditte, thank you, yes we hope it will go better now!
09 March 2013 - 17:58
Ama de casa says:
Wow. Tough! But you will of course manage it 🙂
10 March 2013 - 21:33
Deciree says:
It will be nice with the white:-)
12 March 2013 - 10:46