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Are you a camper or a glamper?


The UK's Caravan Times website offers the Airstream glamping quiz. If at least five of the following points apply to you, you are a "glamper" (glamorous camper) rather than a camper, according to the quiz. I have a feeling that most of us with motorhomes will fall under the epithet 'glampers' then... right?


Quiz - Glampers or campers?

  1. You make crepes for breakfast instead of eating Pop-Tarts (some kind of breakfast biscuits with sweet filling from Kellogg's).
  2. You brew an espresso in the morning instead of drinking instant coffee?
  3. To stay cool, switch on the air conditioning instead of using a handheld fan.
  4. All your food is stored in a freezer or fridge rather than a cool box.
  5. When you need light, use a button instead of a campfire or a lantern.
  6. You sleep in a down bed with a special supportive pillow instead of a sleeping bag on a root or some rocks
  7. There are mosquito nets for doors and windows instead of covering yourself in mosquito repellent.
  8. You wake up smelling soap and freshly brewed coffee instead of a campfire and mosquito spray.
  9. Your clothes are dry and fresh after being stored in a wardrobe instead of damp from the night's dew.
  10. You watch films in the evening instead of telling ghost stories.
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