For the 12th year in a row, Motormännen has scored and listed the country's rest areas. "The rest area assessment is an important part of Motormännen's road safety work. Good rest areas encourage necessary breaks for rest and recovery. Fatigue at the wheel is a common cause of accidents, comparable to accidents related to alcohol", says Erik Kjellin of Motormännen in a press release.
Winner of the year: Senoren
The winner was the Senoren rest area in Blekinge County. The best rest areas in other counties can be seen below. The rest areas with the highest scores are presented at the top.
Best rest areas in each county
- Blekinge: Seniors
- Kronoberg: Innaren
- Västra Götaland: Boråstorpet
- Uppsala: Mora Stenar
- Västernorrland: Borgsjö
- Skåne: Anilla
- Gävleborg: Ångersjön
- Östergötland: Östgötaporten
- Västerbotten: Enebacken
- Örebro: Stora Hammarsundet, north
- Västmanland: Frösvi
- Kalmar: Bröms
- Dalanrna: Spjutmosjö
- Jönköping: Gyllene Uttern
- Jämtland: Krokomsviken
- Värmland: Hänsjön
- Halland: Snapparp, eastern
- Norrbotten: Kattilakoski
- Södermanland: Råbyhed, east.
- Stockholm: Stora Wäsby
- Gotland: Kyrkviken
Rest areas abroad
But it is not only Sweden's rest areas that are judged, but also Europe's. The best rest areas are in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. The worst are in Belgium, the Czech Republic and Spain. By the way, have you ordered the rest area map?

Deciree says:
Thanks for that Helena. Now we have ordered a copy:)
13 June 2013 - 19:48
BP says:
Too bad I have to go all the way to Blekinge to experience the Swedish team;-)
13 June 2013 - 19:55
admin says:
Deciree, it's good to have!
BP, hehe... if you go all the way there, you hope it's a great experience!
13 June 2013 - 20:53
Seniors Speculate, 3 M says:
In fact, it's also a popular overnight stop for campervan drivers, we hear. It's in a very beautiful location so it's worth stopping there. Have a good time. 3 M
13 June 2013 - 20:57
admin says:
3M, I can imagine that it's nice because it got such good ratings. We have spent the night at rest areas sometimes too, and it can work!
13 June 2013 - 21:17