One of the things I really like about houseboating is being so close to nature. You can hear the water lapping and when I cook breakfast I see ducks, herons (yes, yesterday there were two) and perch. This morning some birds had a race on the roof, and I heard them chasing each other back and forth.
At the same time close to the city
At the same time, we are so close to the city here. The nearest metro station (Västra skogen in Solna) is 600 metres away. And it's not much further to Stadshagen metro station on Kungsholmen. Across the bay are Hornsberg beach and Kristineberg beach. We see the metro going back and forth over Tranebergsbron, and the aeroplanes coming in low on their way down to Bromma Airport....

Frankie & Co says:
Almost poetic... 🙂
20 August 2013 - 8:16
Marina says:
Such a fantastically lovely and different accommodation! And so much fun that you dared to try!
20 August 2013 - 8:24
BP says:
Ideal location in other words. Maybe time to buy a small dinghy/motorboat to cross the water in the direction you want;-)
20 August 2013 - 9:07
Alexandra says:
It sounds absolutely fantastic! 🙂
20 August 2013 - 9:27
admin says:
Marina, yes you have to dare a little in life... that's our philosophy!
BP, yes we have talked about it! It will not be right now, but it can definitely be relevant!
Alexandra, right now it actually feels pretty amazing!
20 August 2013 - 9:40
Lena & Jan says:
Great location, expensive rent/mooring cost?
20 August 2013 - 9:43
BlogNews says:
Today on BlogNews: The Arab-Norman Cathedral in Monreale and the benefits of houseboating
20 August 2013 - 10:11
admin says:
Lena & Jan, we pay about 3000 SEK per month for the berth. This includes water, sewage, waste management, laundry, snow removal. Then there are additional costs for electricity, and it costs extra if you want storage and parking. The biggest problem if you want to live in a houseboat here is probably that there are no vacancies. In other words, you can't buy a houseboat and ship it here. The houseboats located here are part of Solna's urban planning, and the only way to live here is to buy an existing boat/aqvavilla when someone happens to sell, which you do via Hemnet as with any apartment.
20 August 2013 - 10:13
Ditte says:
That's great! I recognise what you write. Close to nature and close to the city... Can't get much better!
And, of course, it's extra fun that you live in my old neighbourhood...
20 August 2013 - 10:36
Lars Permeln says:
You forgot to mention that you are very close to a nice and popular restaurant with good food.
20 August 2013 - 11:40
s p i n d e l t j e j e n (mummy life, photography, travelling and stuff like that) says:
How lovely it looks! Hope you enjoy it! 😀
20 August 2013 - 11:53
admin says:
Ditte, nature and city at the same time is great! Yes, you have lived in Solna... but I don't really know where?
Lars, you mean Sjökrogen? It is located just inside the pier and I walk through its outdoor dining area every day. Very cosy place! Then there is another nice pub nearby, called Grodhavet. Really good food there!
Spider girl, we're having a great time!
20 August 2013 - 20:37
Lennart says:
How wonderful that you are enjoying yourselves!
Live well!
21 August 2013 - 6:48
Lena & Jan says:
hello admin, it is actually more expensive than our 2400 sek/month when wintering in Spain but then there is the diesel cost there and back home, admittedly a pleasure for us who do not have to be close to work. You have really found the optimal accommodation for you who are on the move ...
23 August 2013 - 18:28
admin says:
Lena & Jan, it sounds completely ok for wintering! We compare with other accommodation in Sthlm and then this is completely ok. But on the other hand, it is expensive with insurance on a boat... if you compare with an apartment!
23 August 2013 - 20:13
Inga M says:
Now, my understanding of the geography of Stockholm is not entirely grounded, but I actually think from your description that you are not very far from Tomtebogatan and Vasastan where the eldest son lives now after the move. But as I said, I could be wrong. In any case, seems nice with the combo close to everything in the city and at the same time live in the middle of nature in some way.
25 August 2013 - 4:58