I realise that I often take photos from the houseboat, and then the houseboat itself is not included in the picture. Today we went around the docks with the camera and took some pictures of the houseboat from different angles. If you would have missed it, you can see what it looks like! The boat is from the 1930s and has a little unknown history. Some things appear to be original, while others have been remodelled countless times.
DIY stores
We've been running around building stores today looking for paint, fittings, sockets, lights and everything else we need for the renovation. But now we are back in the boat and taking it easy for a while, before we start screwing and painting ... We wish you a nice weekend in the nice late summer weather!

ActiveDays says:
Looks very cosy! Will be interesting to follow the project!
24 August 2013 - 17:05
BP says:
I think it would be fun to know more about the boat. As it looks, it seems to have been "built on" in different rounds, which is really charming, or organic as the husband would have said.
Enjoy the nice weather tomorrow, we probably won't get many more chances in such temperatures. The annual grazing is not going anywhere;-)
24 August 2013 - 17:31
Ditte says:
It looks like a boat that has had some additions now and then. But very charming. Nice to see it from the bridge!
Good luck with your weekend's work and I hope you take a rest from time to time and enjoy the late summer.
24 August 2013 - 17:51
Aila says:
How nice it is. It will be exciting to see what and how you rebuild...
24 August 2013 - 19:13
June says:
What a nice houseboat!
24 August 2013 - 20:03
Mrs Eriksson says:
Really cosy..I could imagine & have here in "my" Hjohamn 😉.
24 August 2013 - 20:30
Anna Stouvenel says:
Curious question: will you keep the same colour exterior, rebuild etc?
24 August 2013 - 21:05
Steel City Anna says:
How nice!
25 August 2013 - 0:12
Ama de casa says:
It looks absolutely beautiful!
25 August 2013 - 4:05
Inga M says:
Nice to see pictures of the boat/house. It looks really special, a little high in the model. I imagine that it is constantly rocking a little grand even if there is no wind and waves in the water. Of course, I would go crazy to live like that and just be dizzy! But I assume that you don't suffer from such things? Because then you would not have chosen this accommodation.
25 August 2013 - 4:50
admin says:
BP, we would also like to know a bit more about the history of the boat. Unfortunately, no such information was included...
Ditte, yes, you can see that some things have been added over time ...
Aila, we will keep you updated!
Anna Stouvenel, we have applied for planning permission to rebuild the exterior. This autumn it will only be the interior, but in the spring we intend to take it up in the dock and rebuild it. The colour will probably be light light grey, we think the yellow shade is a bit strong.
Inga M, yes, it rocks a bit! But we think it's cosy.
25 August 2013 - 6:38
Across the board says:
So very cosy!
25 August 2013 - 7:18
Camilla says:
Exciting with houseboat! I've had a broken computer since June so I've been a bit off, but now I'm back and can continue to follow you properly on your adventures 🙂 I've also started a new blog, but I have a bit of separation anxiety from the Livsresan blog so I'm doing a bit of a double for a while...*doh*.
30 August 2013 - 9:29