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Time to fix the boiler room in the houseboat

Now it's time to fix the boiler room, also called "the old engine room" or our "crawl-in closet". It contains everything that controls electricity, heating and water in the houseboat. You can also use this room for storage. The "funny thing" is that every time someone has decided to install something new, they have left the old one in place. And this has been going on since the early 190s ...


A tangle of cables

The result is a jumble of systems, no more than half of which work, and tangles of cables that sometimes go nowhere at all. So it's time to clean up! We will scrub, paint, rewire and bring in both electricians and plumbers!

Lite rör som går härsan och tvärsan... och ibland slutar i tomma intet
Little tubes that go this way and that ... and sometimes end up in the middle of nowhere
Det här avslutet på ett rör tycker jag är intressant... en kork?
I find this end of a pipe interesting ... a cork?
Det är jättebra att man skriver på elcentralen, men jag har inte hittat till bastun ännu...
It's great that you can write to the electricity centre, but I haven't found the sauna yet ...

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