Have you ever forgotten something on a flight? In a Skyscanner survey, 700 flight attendants and stewards were asked what they found in the seats after passengers left the plane.
Passports and mobiles
When it comes to common travel gadgets, the results show that passengers are more careless with their passports than their mobile phones. More flight attendants have found forgotten passports on board (24%) than mobile phones (23%).
diamonds and eggs
In addition to passports and mobile phones, flight attendants have found all sorts of strange things, such as a live parrot, an enamel eye, a prosthetic leg, a wedding dress, a bag of diamonds, handcuffs, an egg without a carton, a live frog and a written proposal. Sure, you can be absent-minded sometimes, but you can't help but wonder how it happened... Here's the list of the most unexpected things left behind on the aeroplane:
- A live parrot
- An enamel eye
- Prosthetic leg
- A bag of sand
- A clog
- A box of dried fish
- A wedding dress
- A bag of diamonds
- A wig
- A bag of onions
- Handcuffs
- One egg (without carton)
- A living frog
- Underwear
- A written proposal
Ninni, Henrik and the Hjulius motorhome says:
Haha yes you can wonder. I myself am so noisy so I check a number of times before getting off the plane that I have everything with me. 🙂
12 September 2013 - 6:57
Helga says:
Haha... I have never found such strange things but lots of wallets, passports, bags, jackets, computers, important papers... You can be surprised what people forget.
Sometimes people take the wrong hand luggage and get off. Then a passenger is left without a bag and there is a bag in the hat rack but not the right one...
12 September 2013 - 14:11
admin says:
Ninni, I think we tend to be pretty careful too. Haven't forgotten anything... yet. But on a night train I forgot money under the pillow once 😉.
Helga, great that you comment! Understand that you must be surprised sometimes!
12 September 2013 - 20:21