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The comforts of everyday life


Actually, we all live quite luxuriously. All of you reading this probably have running water (hot, too), a shower, fridge, freezer, cooker and TV. Perhaps you live a little more simply in the summer cottage or on the campsite for a few weeks during the summer, but otherwise.


Amenities become a matter of course

Is it obvious to have running water, a freezer and a TV? Yes, in Sweden in 2013 it is. But for lots of people, in other countries and in other times, it is and has been far from that. So it is certainly worth appreciating, even if it is easy to take for granted.

Hot water - what a luxury!

When we moved into the houseboat at the beginning of August this year, there was hot water here, but only for a little while at a time. We've been able to take a hot shower every day, but just when you've managed to get shampoo in your hair, the water gets cold again. And then we had to wait for it to heat up again.

Now that we have installed the water heater, we have hot water. all the time. What a luxury! Now we really enjoy the shower and understand how to appreciate the hot water. Hope you enjoy your morning shower too!

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