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Book tips for travelling

I've blogged about this before, but here are some updates. We read a lot when we travel, and I like it best when I can read books from the part of the world I'm travelling in. I actually wish bookshops were sorted like that, by location in the world.


Books from different parts of the world

If anyone thinks the same as me, here are my favourite books, divided according to where in the world they are set. And you don't have to physically travel either, you can stay at home on the couch and travel.


Want to travel around Europe? Europe has a lot of interesting history, and it's often at its best in fictional form. Many of the books focus on the Second World War or the communist era, but there are also stories that take you back to a time when Europe was simply poorer or different in other ways.


Africa is a mythical, interesting and exciting continent. You may not always know much about the life and challenges of African countries, but through fictional stories you can get a little closer.


Want to travel to Asia in the world of books? I have read many fiction books set in China and also in Iran.

North and South America

There are of course lots of books set in the USA, and here are some that I have read and like. Also, some books set in South America.


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