Now it's time for new windows! We are going to change all the windows in the houseboat. The old windows are single or double glazed. In addition, the frames are worn and ugly. On the lower deck there are not even real windows. Someone has just bought sheets of glass and put them in frames. In addition to being ugly, this means that not a single window on the lower deck can be opened ... So it's time for a window replacement operation!
We start with the lower deck, kitchen and bathroom
We will start by changing the windows in the parts of the boat that will not be rebuilt, i.e. the lower deck, kitchen and bathroom. We plan to change these windows while the boat is in the water. When we bring the boat up (in early May) and rebuild the living room on the upper deck, we will also replace the windows there.
We have picked up the new windows
All new windows will be triple-glazed, which will of course make the boat better insulated. Several of the windows will also be much larger than they are today. So we will have even more fantastic views!
At the same time, of course, it will be easier to see in, so we've looked at different types of blinds and shades, so you can close them when you want to. We'll see what happens. Yesterday we picked up the windows and took them out to the boat using the marina's small trolleys ...

Inga M says:
This boat will look amazing once you've got everything you're planning! For the windows, an alternative is a combination of blackout curtains and pleated curtains. There are very thin pleated curtains that let light through and that you can see out through but that protect you from being seen. And you pull them from the top or bottom as you wish. We have these in the newest rental house and we are very happy with them because you can block either the upper or lower part of the entire window wall.
23 February 2014 - 12:22
Ditte says:
Also thought about pleated curtains. They work very well and do not block the light. Unless you want less light coming in, of course.
It will be great to change the windows and good to be able to open them. Nice with larger windows as well.
What a job you do and how nice it is.
23 February 2014 - 14:46
BP says:
Once again, I am incredibly impressed with how handy you are! To do such a job yourself is absolutely fantastic! It will be fun to re the result then:-)
23 February 2014 - 16:12
admin says:
Inga M, thanks for the ideas! We will look into it!
Ditte, thank you, we will definitely look at such curtains!
BP, so far the windows are only on the deck... We were a bit keen to fix it this weekend, but Peter has all the tools at work...
23 February 2014 - 19:45
Mrs Christine says:
Wow, what a project. But nice and practical it will be. 🙂
23 February 2014 - 20:00
Mr Steve says:
It's great to follow your never-ending projects.
23 February 2014 - 20:25
Deciree says:
It will be very nice when everything is ready:-)
25 February 2014 - 22:47