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10 x nightlife while travelling

Are you up for some partying and nightlife while travelling? Here are a few places where we've experienced lively nightlife. Have you experienced a great evening and night-time atmosphere somewhere during your travels?


1. Barcelona, Spain

I Barcelona you go out late and the atmosphere is great. You can start in one of the many bars and then move on to the nightclubs by the beach.

Barcelona nattliv

2. Gothenburg, Sweden

We especially like the Push nightclub, where you can relax on the sofas at the outdoor bar. And then it's great to have the motorhome with you, so you're within crawling distance of home at night ...

Festkväll i Göteborg

3rd Festival in Belgium

Actually, we should probably write "festival in Europe", because the festival atmosphere is awesome wherever you are. This one Carnival in Hasselt caught us by surprise when we went to buy water ...

4. Sensation White in Norway

Sensation White is the party of parties and is organised around the world. When it was Oslo's turn to host, we took the motorhome there. It was the best pre-party ever in the campervan before the actual party. Sensation White party in Oslo.

Sensation outfit

5. Sopot, Poland

On the coast of Poland lies Sopot, with a fantastic sandy beach and an exclusive holiday feeling. Of course, there are plenty of bars and nightclubs for those who want to experience Sopot by night.

Sopot nattklubb

6. Reykjavik, Iceland

I Reykjavik there is no one outlet. Instead, every self-respecting little corner is turned into a nightclub. Just walk in and out between the crowded little places, no entrance fees!

7. Sabang in Mindoro, Philippines

I Sabang On the island of Mindoro, it's easy to slip into the bars for a beer and a chat with divers from all over the world. Billiards was the big thing here (and prostitution, unfortunately).

Nyårsafton Sabang

8. Kiev, Ukraine

We know, "troubled" is just the first name, so we shouldn't recommend Ukraine at the moment. On New Year's Eve 2011/2012 it was The world party here. In addition, there are many fun restaurants!

Nyårsafton Kiev

9. Budapest, Hungary

I Budapest they have gathered all the nightclubs on an island in the Danube. Smart if you don't want to disturb the neighbours... Plus, there are many pleasant wine cellar in this city.

Budapest kväll

10. Bråvalla Festival, Sweden

Bråvalla Festival is a great festival with camping and lots of music, from rock to trance! Find out more about the festival's atmosphere.

Bråvalla festival

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